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What I did today 2018


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  • A week or so ago, I dug up 4 dwarf cherry trees and moved them into a netted area to be out of the bird's way.
    Today, I planted the empty bed with 2 Williams pears and 2 Braeburn apples - all dwarfing trees about 3' tall.
    Then I thought I'd fill in the gaps between them with some of the baby fruit trees that were intended for comtainers - a Comice & a Conference pear, 2 more Braeburn apples and 2 Golden Delicious. These little babies are only about 18" tall.
    Just as I lay down my spade after planting the last one, I heard a chomping noise behind me. Ted, the norty pup, was lying beside a baby Braeburn chewing the top off it. Its now about 9" tall. Good job I have rather too many Braeburns.
    Also planted some modules of Bijou mangetout in the old chook run (that's the old run for chooks - not the run for the old chook - as I don't run anywhere these days).
    Dry but nippy.


    • Oh! I'm in love!

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      Don't tell our lass!

      She'll be expecting favours!
      "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


      • ^^^ favours ?

        Perhaps I'd better not ask you to elucidate - chillis are looking good though

        Dug three potato trenches - did me in - so only got half the spuds done.
        Knocked toogether ome wood to make a cheap n cheerful raised bed - lined the bse with cardboard and started emptying compost out into it - a rather Steptoe and Son version of something Charles Dowding might do...
        Trying to get the energy together to do some potting on...
        1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


        • I chopped down the canes of last of the thorny tayberries, they are headed for the bin but seem to be growing quicker than I can dig them out pfft. Spread manure on the cleared half of the bed, ready for replanting eventually with red, white, black currants and a Loganberry on the wires.


          • Dug over and weeded a couple of beds, in preparation for planting once this weeks forecast cold snap is out of the way. Also stopped to admire the first leaves sprouting on the blackcurrant I planted in the autumn
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            • Yay, I have the first of my spuds in! Three buckets of Anyas, are in and over the allotment. Just need to put in the four other varieties now...
              Potted on some erysimums and some pot bound agapanthus - i know some are white, and some are blue but no idea which ones. Potted on the tomato seedlings, and havr done each module a label. Hopefully this year i will keep track of what is what! Have sowed loads of seeds, mainly flowers.
              Whilst its still light Im going to go a put some bulbs and bare root phloxes in mfbs.
              Last edited by Bex2012; 01-04-2018, 06:17 PM.


              • Putting together my new hydroponic grow kit and sowing seeds in it.
                Layed another 27 slabs with the help of a friend that's visiting at the moment.
                Took the chillies for a day out in the tunnel.
                Planted out some radish ( with a cover over them )


                • Oooh I've only just noticed this thread

                  So remember, i'm a proper beginner so absolutely no idea if right or wrong but just giving it a bash...

                  30th March I sowed - Leeks, Cauliflower, Broadbean, Nasturtium, Tomatoes, Parsley, Chives, Coriander, Basil, Mint & Strawberry Seeds

                  31st March - Planted Blackberry, Raspberry & Blackcurrant Canes...had to empty and fork 3 x 70 litre bags of compost into planters. Holy Moly my beginners back and shoulders were having a word this morning!

                  1st April - sowed Chillies (I know its mega late but i had to try), peppers, onion and cucumbers.

                  All the above (except the fruit canes) were indoors since my wet & cold scottish weather isn't friendly enough for outside planting.

                  Lets see if anything actually takes though


                  • Just planted all my tatties, Charlottes and Roosters, flippin' hard work.


                    • Soil was far to wet to finish planting my spuds - so I bought 6*40 litre bags of compost for �10, knocked another 'raised bed' together, lined it with cardboard and filled it with the contents of 4 of the bags. Sowed lettuce and carrots in aforementioned raised bed.
                      It has stopped raining and I have a urge to go back to the plot - but I fear Mrs Balders has other plans - hopefully going out for meal rather than DIY
                      1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                      • Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
                        I chopped down the canes of last of the thorny tayberries, they are headed for the bin but seem to be growing quicker than I can dig them out pfft. Spread manure on the cleared half of the bed, ready for replanting eventually with red, white, black currants and a Loganberry on the wires.
                        A quick Q if that’s ok: I bought a tayberry and planted it last Autumn. It had three fairly spindly looking canes but they aren’t much more than 3ft long. Should I assume these were last year’s new canes which have been cut back for transporting as I understand tayberry stems can grow up to 5m long.

                        If so should I expect nothing more than a small harvest off of them this year and focus on training this year’s new growth ready for next year?

                        I have mine planted in the corner of the plot and was planning to train each year’s canes along the east facing fence and move last year’s canes and retrain them along the south facing side for maximum sun.



                        • Yesterday was fairly productive. It was just dry enough to get the lawn mowed. I need to start think about fertilising it later this month and maybe overseeding some bare patches. Annoyingly the bluebells growing through the lawn keep coming. I have to just keep cutting them back. Horrible things.

                          I also potted on my tomato seedlings and some of the chilli seedlings and got my first couple of potato sacks planted up.

                          Managed to weed and tidy all of the borders, cutting back some of the tatty foliage on the perennials like the geums and knipfofia although most of the perennials were already cut back when they were delivered for planting last October so there wasn’t a great deal to do.

                          Also removed the strulch from the raised vegetable beds and gave the soil a light dig over ready to start direct sowing later this month.

                          Weeded and fertilised Autumn raspberries and reused the strulch to mulch them.

                          Pruned the sambucus in the front garden and deadheaded, tidied, fed and mulched the hydrangea.

                          Still loads on my todo list but progress!


                          • Lots of potting on and pricking out.


                            • I have planted some broad beans in bought compost and brought them in to the kitchen windowsill to germinate. It’s still a bit cold outside even in the polytunnel. I want them to replace some overwintering ones that were devastated by the snow.
                              I also bought and temporarily potted up some fAb wee fruit bushes I impulse bought today in b &q. A white currant and a red currant. �5 the pair can’t be bad. Nice sturdy wee bushes too. I think I’ll put the redcurra t in a really large pot so when it’s fruiting eventually I an just bring it under cover to keep the birds off.
                              I’ve brought some other seeds in too to try to get germination. The windowsill is pretty full so hoping things warm up a bit.


                              • ^^^ where are you located ml ? Scotland ?

                                Threw together yet another raised bed - dug out compost from the former location of compost bins at the end of the garden - lovely stuff - the bins have been relocated to the plot - I now have to relocate 7 or 8 buckets of compost - I think I might use Mrs B's car for that
                                1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


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