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What I did today 2018


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  • Tidied my GH, added more boards to the staging then and moved in the extra table ready to hold seedlings.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Moved the first seedlings into the new indoor hydroponics thing.
      Finally got the onion sets into cell trays.
      Lots of pricking out & potting on.


      • Potted on some Dahlias and last of the tomatoes. Sowed more salad stuff.


        • First plot inspection. Bit hard to make any decisions about any plot as the weather has been so jolly inclement...
          Tidied GH at home. Watered chillies. Spent compost layered on to the second nodig raised bed . Given a new huge plastic composter, so emptied out contents of old smaller one and gifted that one on to someone else.
          Tadpole watch...
          1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


          • Forgot: cleared a raised bed, harvested baby leeks and topped it up.

            Sowed zinnia, cosmos and tagetes.


            • apart from the raised bed issue, it was a weekend of tidying and weeding, nothing very exciting, but nice to have got in there and done it. Some plants outside for the first time this year and various things finally taking the hint and growing. Beetroot is being laggard, but the seed is old. I'm giving it a week to see how it gets on.

              Helped a bee that was too hungry to fly by putting it in a clump of flowers and watched it feed and clamber from flower to flower before finally getting enough to fly off.

              Also did a slug raid in the dark on sunday evening and was please to see one of the frogs out on the same mission...


              • Today I...

                Carried on digging over my beds.
                Planted a row of shallots
                Sowed one row of carrot seeds (with a few radish seeds thrown in the mix)
                Cut up my chitted seed potatoes to wax off ready to plant out in few days


                • Good to see someone locally is getting going with planting................Ive been hanging out from planting my root crops as weather been so rubbish!
                  But I'm about to do those this afternoon as its turning out lovely so making the most of a dry day.
                  Then I'm going to plant some herbs and pot up my blackcurrant cutting from the autumn.


                  • Its rained here all day so I've been in my GH cleaning last years plant labels with wire wool then made lots of newspaper pots.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Nearly finished pricking out and potting on all my March sown things. Just 2 trays to go. Then I can start sowing all my April seeds.


                      • Finished pricking out & potting on.
                        Covered bed 4 with manure.
                        Filled 4 hanging baskets ready for some chilli's
                        Planted some turnips in a fish box.


                        • Dawn shift on the plot and the bones in my hands haven't thawed out yet... nasty arctic wind, but the air temp without wind chill wasn't bad.

                          Peas planted out, supports in place, and netted with a few additional bird-scarer bits in place.

                          Weeded newly planted raspberries and thought about mulching. Excavated another mother dock...

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                          • I've had these trestles for my strawberries for a few years now but they've always been unstable because the ground is so soft, so today I've fastened them to some boards and also tied them to stakes hammered into the ground.

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                            • Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                              Its rained here all day so I've been in my GH cleaning last years plant labels with wire wool then made lots of newspaper pots.
                              I soak my plant labels in bleach overnight. Clean as a whistle the next day after a rinse.
                              Last edited by Dynamo; 12-04-2018, 04:55 PM.


                              • Drilled holes in the 55cm round planters I bought from B+M yesterday.
                                Planted the 3 box plants into my potager
                                Potted up the azalea I bought last year and have neglected every since
                                Potted up the �5 blueberry bush I bought from Morrisons yesterday
                                Removed large dandelions from raised beds and generally did a little bit of weeding of the flower border. Also used a small 3 prong cultivator to gently rake over the beds to get rid of any germinated weed seeds. Unfortunately messed up some self-sown flowers seedling in the process. Oh well.
                                Last edited by HoneyChild; 12-04-2018, 06:53 PM.


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