Sowed my winter squash, Crown Prince. Only six seeds in a packet. I'm hoping at least four of them germinate. Moved my peppers, Long Red Marconi, from three inch pots into five inch.
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What I did today 2018
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Had a good day at the allotment where I planted 4 rows of spuds.
I also prepared some ground where my beetroot will be planted.
Later on I potted on some peppers. Some came from orange fruits and some from yellow fruits. I've heard that the parent plant has no bearing on what colour it's children's fruits will be so it'll be interesting to see what colours come through.
Last edited by Dynamo; 16-04-2018, 10:01 PM.
Today I used pipe lagging to protect the polythene of my new mini polytunnel where it touches the frame. (As per veggiechicken).
I took a 100 l water butt down and put in one of the corners. Water access in this tunnel is a bit more bother that in the main one and although growing in the ground hopefully won’t be as demanding I want some water handy. It should act as a heat buffer as well and watering with warmed water is probably a good thing. I spread a 125 l sack of cheap verve compost on the beds to raise them a bit and also to try to quench down the overpowering smell from the marshalls vegetable compost I had put down in a layer.
A couple of weeks if weather is ok and I’ll be planting. Tomatoes definitely, and cucumbers. I have a few cape gooseberry plants I grew from seed so I might try one or two of those. What else I’m not sure....I love growing French beans but still have some in freezer from last year. Basil maybe as I blanch it and freeze it.
Had another go at tackling the bluebells in our lawn. One clump was pushing the soil up so I thought I�d try and dig them out as there was already a bit of a bare spot and I�m planning some spring repairs soon anyway.
I lifted some turf then started digging. I finally found some very mushy white bulbs over a foot down. Removed what I could, then refilled the hole and put the turf back. I�m not sure it was worth it. I may just have to resign myself to the fact that each spring I�m going to have to cut out the foliage on a weekly basis and hope in a few years time the bulbs die off.
The crocus I don�t mind - they grow fast, the foliage is grass like and they look nice for a few weeks, but I�m not a fan if bluebells in the lawn. Unsightly and unpleasant to walk on.
I also removed the strulch around the strawberries I planted as bare roots in October and lightly applied some blood, fish and bone.
Took some time to inspect all of the plants in our borders to see how everything was growing. I suspect we may have lost the salvia amistad and a few of the verbena bonariasis to the harsh winter. Also some of the lupins which got hit by the frost and had started to recover now seem to be being eaten!Last edited by TheCyclingProgrammer; 18-04-2018, 01:57 AM.
Potted on 15 tomato plants yesterday and planted up a camellia and pieris. Went to the allotment today and strimmed all the edges. Refilled the water butt and potted up some plug plants from aldi. As I was feeling energetic I also sowed three tubs of carrots, planted out some peas, put in some red onion sets, and a tub of anya potatoes. The plot definitely looks tidier, but it was just nice being out in the sun.
Yesterday acquired a dumpy bag by encountering one bowling along the road in strong winds when I was driving. Pinned it carefully with one wheel, got out, weighed it down with a bottle of water, reversed off it, stuffed it in the boot. In a mile of further driving I didn't see where it could have come from, so I adopted it.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with it...
Today alarm at 5.15am and on the plot at 5.30. *yawn* Worked a patch of bed 2, spent some time marvelling at the incredible soil and feeling warm happy thoughts about how far we've come in a relatively short time. Sowed parsnips. I now officially have no room for my leeks. *eyes new half of plot with calculating gaze*
Removed a mummified mouse from the rose of my watering can and felt really bad about it's plight. It must have fallen into the watering can over winter when it had filled with rainwater, crawled up the spout and been unable to get out.Am thinking I will have to store the cans upside down over winter. Set up a bench for the boys on 'their' half of the plot, wandered aimlessly feeling daunted, picked up some glass, litter, weed roots and laid down a large piece of black plastic. Moved the boys' tool chest.
I use mine for dragging things round - sometimes easier to move stuff that way if its heavy. I also keep hedge trimmings and other stuff to rot down and Autumn leaves in a different one.
Occasionally I put one down in an area I want to clear, as a sort of weed suppressing patch.
Mowed front and back lawns in my dinner break.
I always mow them.
The wife offered but I know what that involves.
1) I have to get the mower out the garage, set it up, plug it in and position on the first row of front lawn.
2) Wife mows
3) I have to empty bag
4) Wife mows
5) I have to empty bag.
6) Etc
7) I have to move mower to back lawn and set up on first row.
8) I have to remove any lawn stuff cloths prop, table etc.
9) Wife mows
10) I have to empty bag
11) Wife mows
12) I have to empty bag
13) When finished I have to clean mower and put eveything away.
Whew !
JimmyExpect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!
Totally agree Jimmy. That's why I mowed the back lawn this morning. First time this year but although the grass was about 4" tall, I should have waited at least another week. The ground is still too soft to walk on. Yesterday I feed my onions and garlic and put sulphate of potash around my spring cabbage. Also planted a gooseberry - Hinnonmaki Yellow to go with the Hinnonmaki Red that went in last year. Pulled a few stalks of rhubarb 'cos they were already like tree trunks.
Pricking out and potting on.
Taking some harvested stuff to the honesty shop.
Weeded bed 4.
Cleaned out ferrets.
Finished putting stones between the slabs on 2 paths.
Picked up the stones from another path and put slabs down. Still need to level slabs and put stones back between them.
Tidied tunnel a bit.
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