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What I did today 2018


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  • after much tense negotiations I managed to persuade SWMBO to allow me all weekend at the plot.
    I really needed to plant out, as my greenhouse was full of all the things that should be in the ground, and the tomatoes were getting restless in their garden centre pots.

    So, into the ground went
    3x carrots (round, Nantes II and line of rainbow seeds)
    seeds of Cauliflower and broccoli
    New Zealand Yam
    Swiss Chard
    the tattered remnants of my Beetroot plantings
    a line of beetroot seed - a new one I've not seen before - Moneta
    a line of fennel seeds, because they were to hand
    Insect-netted the brassicae and carrot/onion/parsnip bed
    bird netting over the yam and leeks
    weeded, mowed and generally titivated the plot.

    I'm back at work for a rest...


    • Not much today just relocating self seeded Nasturtiums.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • I've been off on leave/at home for a week, so away from my desktop PC (and this place).
        Lots of planting out, building frames and netting. ridging up the spuds, grass cutting, making compost, stringing up tomatos, planting up hanging baskets and pots for the house etc.
        Lots of fun in the sun, fresh air and exercise. I notice that I first joined here 1st June 2015 so cakes all around (as long as you pick them up by 4:30 today) ;-)
        What a lovely place this is and such nice people.


        • planted out climbing beans


          • Planted out climbing beans, sweetcorn, tomatoes, few herbs and some beetroot (thought I would try starting them in modules to give them a chance against slugs, but not sure if it will make them grow in strange contorted shapes- only time will tell....)


            • Watered everything inside and out.
              Stared tying up chillies.
              Tied up forked tomatoes.
              Finished filling fish box and planted 5 red drumhead cabbage.


              • Watered and fed all the plants in the greenhouse.
                Did some weeding.
                Dug out a little space behind the greenhouse and planted the surplus dahlias there.
                Earthed up the potatoes again.
                All looking well but need some rain.
                Have a good evening all.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Sown seeds
                  Thinned radish for seed pod saving
                  Planted 3 squash & 2 pumpkins in the compost bin and Netted them.
                  Put more nettles into liquid feed bin
                  Fed sunflowers, basket & sweet peas
                  Quick weed of all the outside beds.


                  • Planted out a module tray of calendula - they'd outgrown their modules and started to look sick, plus they were drying out every day with the lack of rain we've had. Planted out a couple of cucumbers and squashes too, I want to get everything in the ground whether the ideal spot is ready or not, I haven't got time to keep going down there and watering stuff!


                    • [yesterday]

                      Sundry watering - we've still had very little rain. Tied up sunflowers and sowed some beetroot.


                      • Cut, prepped & painted a bunch of wood for my last bean frame, dead headed the Iris's and did a bit of watering


                        • Moved stuff around on sales barrow and repotted lots of it.
                          Tied up a couple more chillies.
                          Bagged some more chilli flowers in an attempt to save seeds.
                          Cleaned out shed.
                          Restocked the hydroponic indoor garden ( it's working very well )
                          Last edited by Small pumpkin; 07-06-2018, 11:48 PM. Reason: Forgot stuff


                          • Planted out some lavender cuttings.
                            Planted out some rudbeckia ( I mean one, that's all that germinated)
                            Planted out some lettuce Tom Thumb.
                            Still watering and damping down the greenhouse.
                            Netted the strawberries and raspberries.
                            My garden is full of birds since my cat passed away so now need to keep a watch on this.
                            The joys of gardening.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Potted up some Basil that's been rooting in water,
                              Relocated more Nasturtium seedlings,
                              Put net tunnel over Strawberries.
                              Weeded parsnip bed
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Yesterday.
                                Dug up my patch under the front window that hadn't been touched for a while and planted some mixed corms and bulbs from Poundland and sprinkled some marigolds and night scented stocks seeds.
                                Bought some more pots (Poundland again) and put beetroot, Webbs Wonder lettuce, radishes and carrots. Supposed to rain today so here's hoping as the water butt is empty.


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