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What I did today 2018
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Popped into the garden centre to get some twine to finish my bean supports. Got 4 sweet potatoes, Khol Rabi, Kale, Peas, Chard, 4 tomatoes, a cucumber and forgot the twine.
Popped into the supermarket on the way past and ended up with a Hardy Kiwi.
New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle
�I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
― Thomas A. Edison
�Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
― Thomas A. Edison
- I must be a Nutter,VC says so -
Went to the plot to do an essential 15 minutes of watering before work (WHEN WILL IT RAIN??), only to find some kind soul had stolen the adaptor off the end of my hose.
Managed to borrow one off another standpipe, but seriously annoying, and it made me late for work, as well as costing me fiver for a new one on Fleabay. Left the allotment feeling frustrated, all I have time for these days is watering, the whole thing's looking like a jungle.He-Pep!
Originally posted by bario1 View PostWent to the plot to do an essential 15 minutes of watering before work (WHEN WILL IT RAIN??), only to find some kind soul had stolen the adaptor off the end of my hose.
Managed to borrow one off another standpipe, but seriously annoying, and it made me late for work, as well as costing me fiver for a new one on Fleabay. Left the allotment feeling frustrated, all I have time for these days is watering, the whole thing's looking like a jungle.
Watering cans always disappeared so I only leave the one out that I use for weedkiller now
Only chance we'll get this week, so yesterday evening we picked 3lbs Strawberries, a cauliflower, some spinach and a lettuce as well as a good portion of broad beans.
Then planted a nursury row of brassicas (Kale,Brocolli & Calsbreese, sprouts) & dwarf french beans.
Another successional row of carrots and Beetroot alongside some peas which have just emerged, then netted the lot.
Then spent half an hour digging over the previous strawberry bed which after 4 years is again exhibiting lots of bindweed, so gentle forking is the answer now (it did get a squirt a week ago to kill it). It's a time consuming dig but little and ofton will eventually get it done. Then a new raised bed will go there. We've already bought the fencing/gravel boards for this one and stock piled the compost/manure/soil improver and woodchip to complete the project, so hopefully it will be ready to grow something this year if I get the time to dig and clean it.
Originally posted by bario1 View PostLeft the allotment feeling frustrated, all I have time for these days is watering, the whole thing's looking like a jungle.Not quite as bad as last summer but everything is growing at a rate of knots....especially the nettles! I'm going to hack them back today!!! I've got today & Friday off though and later start tomorrow so hopefully I'll get something done
If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....
Decided to head back to the plot in my lunch break. Pulled up the mad flowering chard next to my sweetcorn - I think it was sucking all the moisture and nutrients out of the soil, as the corn next to it was turning distinctly yellow. Gave the corn a drink of chicken manure tea, let's see if they perk up. Also fed the onions and garlic with the same muck, after giving them a cursory weeding (i.e pulling out the BIG weeds). Started staking my floppy broad beans, but ran out of time.He-Pep!
Ordered twine off tinternet - managed to do that without guying a kiwi (ok, they didn't have the variety I wanted)
The compost fairy has been away for the weekend in a caravan in Scotland making tea with two mad women so today was the first time he could get stuff to drop off - 3 bags of grass clippings and a bag of shreddings. Friday will be the first opportunity I have to take them down so the grass might be a tad warm by then - all the better to heat up the new pile (which was at 55 degrees on Monday )
New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle
�I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
― Thomas A. Edison
�Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
― Thomas A. Edison
- I must be a Nutter,VC says so -
Potted up the lemon grass stalks
Took cuttings of rosemary, lavender and 3 sorts of sage
Cut some Apple mint, stripped the lower leaves and put the stalks in water to root. Made Mint sauce with the stripped leaves.
Sideshooted and tied in the tomatoes
Picked strawberries, 2 courgettes and a cucumber.
Pulled up some creeping buttercups and found self seeded chard beneath it.
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