Dug out courgette plants and sowed another 24 cloves of garlic 
Reinforced netting on cabbages
Harvested 3 cucumbers, final two courgettes, another calabrese and a handful of stem calabrese.
And my first two squashes ever!! Planted late so only got one from each - uchiki kuri and Anna Swartz Hubbard
Started clearing strawberry bed
Gave some runners to plot neighbour.
Continued digging new bed.

Reinforced netting on cabbages
Harvested 3 cucumbers, final two courgettes, another calabrese and a handful of stem calabrese.
And my first two squashes ever!! Planted late so only got one from each - uchiki kuri and Anna Swartz Hubbard

Started clearing strawberry bed
Gave some runners to plot neighbour.
Continued digging new bed.