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What I did today 2018


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  • #91
    Today I got my new square foot gardening bed ready for the new season by installing slug tripwires. Let's see the little sods get through that lot!

    Click image for larger version

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    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


    • #92
      Dug out roots and grass from new raised bed and stared filling it.
      Put new cord support around the loganberry bed.
      Did a bit more tidying of the tunnel.


      • #93
        laid 9 slabs, squelched about the plot, re-dug a long-defunct drainage ditch round the edge, picked turnips, parsnips and leeks. finished pruning the garden and shredded the prunings. got wet...


        • #94
          Stayed indoors and ordered my automatic watering equipment.
          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


          • #95
            Started building my new/2nd light box in the garage.
            Was pleased to see my leeks now germinating in the prop' in garage
            Dug Leeks ,carrots and parsnips for tomorrows lunch.
            Took Kitchen waste for compost dalek to my daughters garden which I also look after.
            2 x half dustbins full of FYM as well for the raised beds round there.
            Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

            Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


            • #96
              Pruned a cultivated blackberry, then some digging/weeding, and took another carload of carpet to the tip. Then rain stopped play, so I have done an inventory of my seed tin, and got everything into separate sections according to month of sowing


              • #97
                Had a walk with the OH via a GC and got some seed potatoes. I was totally surprised there was one on that route


                • #98
                  Finished putting the floor in the little tunnel.
                  Started digging out roots and weeds of the second new bed.
                  Filled a little more of the first new raised bed.
                  Started emptying the compost bin (needs repairing)
                  Tidied up after Bob as He'd cut the veggie garden hedge for me.


                  • #99
                    Did a bit more assembly of Light box 2.

                    Got a small steel splinter in my finger from a screw.

                    Sowed salad and spinach in Grow box 1.
                    Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

                    Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


                    • Well after a visit to the chilli gods house this morning thats the super hots sown, we have Carolina reapers, Dragons breath, jamaican hot, scotch bonnets, white bhute jolokia (Ghosts), Brain strain, morouga scorpion yellow, 7 pot barrock poke, 7 pot bubble gum, 7 pot red, Mushroom chilli.. If it stays cold and dry all this week as is the forecast I will be digging my plot ready for the coming season It's only the start of February and I'm impatient already lol


                      • Spread my last reserves of rotted woodchip as mulch on the raspberry canes then added some newish leaf mould and a bit of pig manure.
                        Next made two beds on the no dig area by laying an inch of straw, two inches of autumn leaves, an inch of home made compost and a sprinkling of pig manure. Then laid black plastic over to let the worms do thier thing.
                        Sunday evening finished the spreadsheet of seeds/planting dates. I then realised i need to get started with a few so this week things will start in the spare room.


                        • Little tunnel interior is all put back together and tidy ready for the new season.
                          Asparagus planted
                          Some of the mint pruned and weeded
                          First tunnel is tidy and ready for the new season.
                          A bit more tidying in the big tunnel.
                          Capillary matting from the Chilli grows and hanging basket liners all washed.


                          • Transplanted three tomato seedlings into fiver pots with a compost, sand and worm compost mix
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • On the lotty knocked snow off the nets, picked kale and came home.
                              Location ... Nottingham


                              • Yesterday I potted on my sweet peppers I saved from seed last year,they�re supposed to be mini peppers but I didn�t isolate them so hopefully they�ll be big cross breeds or at least fruit the bottom bunk of the grow light areas up & running but it�s a bit bright,Ive added some patio chair cushions to stop the whole room glowing,so it�s not really a finished job yet but here�s photos of both levels of the plants -

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	B11E81F4-73E3-4314-8EA0-4D8E3B122144.jpg
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ID:	2376420 Click image for larger version

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ID:	2376421
                                Location : Essex


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