Potted on tomatoes and geraniums. Window ledge space is getting tight already.
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What I did today 2018
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Originally posted by Jungle Jane View PostYesterday I potted on my sweet peppers I saved from seed last year,they�re supposed to be mini peppers but I didn�t isolate them so hopefully they�ll be big cross breeds or at least fruitthe bottom bunk of the grow light areas up & running but it�s a bit bright,Ive added some patio chair cushions to stop the whole room glowing,so it�s not really a finished job yet but here�s photos of both levels of the plants -
[ATTACH=CONFIG]78505[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]78506[/ATTACH]Wish everyone did the same...so much more understanding than just words.
GpNever Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD
Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation
Whey hey.........................finally got round to -
pruning the blackcurrants
card boarding the bottom of my pots
filling 5 of said pots
constructing the new bird bath
moving old chimney, that had been part of the old bird bath - plan to shove a drapey plant in it.
raked the gravel.
and finally.........................sat at the table with back ache
Now, please see the Happy and Rant thread.I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison
Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.
Phew.... Finally got a few days of sun (and bitterly cold temps) and got out in the garden. Tidied up the pots, and removed all of the dead roots and leaves. Planted out the last of the early bulbs. Cleaned out the bird feeders and made a bird bath for my feathery friends. Also made a new bird box out of an old teapot and added it to the collection.
Planted out a new rose bush & heather, both in containers.
Sown tomatoes, chillis, peppers & broccoli in the spare room and created a seed timetable for all of the spring and summer blooms & veggies.
Planted out Onions, Garlic & Ginger in the new raised bed/hessian vegetable bags.
Set up a new herb patch ready for later in the year, as well as transplanting the mint, rosemary and oregano plants.
Made a new garden table out of a cable reel and some rope 😲 (I'm getting all creative this year).
Oh... and fixed the shed roof after the winds a week or so ago & re-erected the greenhouse.
Lots of plans this year!Keeping track of my gardening antics, success, failings & faux pars https://mytinyenglishcountrygarden.wordpress.com
Bought some seaweed fertiliser (for raised beds), some potato fertiliser and some seed potatoes. King Edwards for maincrop, red Duke of York for earlies.
Just need to buy some containers today.
Sadly, my propagator hasn't arrived yet despite ordering on Monday.
Went to Homeb@se to buy some sand for siting my pond liner - they had a load of split bags they were selling off for a pound each - result! Also bought some compost for the first sowings. I'm not doing any early sowings under lights this year, thought I'd just take it easy. No sowing till March 1st.He-Pep!
Pulled up some zucchini and tomato plants which aren't producing. Planted some bean seeds and a couple of zucchini and cucumber seeds. It's been a shocking summer for the garden, but this is the last chance to plant vine type stuff this season.
Harvested golden shallots. I wouldn't bother growing them again.
Dug out a few more roots and grass from new bed.
Finished emptying one side of compost bin.
Tidied and weeded sunflower tub.
Stood up stones separating lawn and path, that have been flattened by playing puppies.
Split some fire wood.
Redesigned ( for the second time this week! ) the money box for my little plant sales barrow.
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