Tidied up the broken glass round the greenhouse (seems recent storms blew a pane out), navigated across town to the glass place to find they had gone out of business, then planted a pinkcurrant and did a bit of digging/weeding. Now to find somewhere else to get replacement glass...
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What I did today 2018
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More tidying in the big tunnel. Think tidying is done now, just the cleaning to do.
Put a new palette in the centre (replacing two very large tubes) and levelled it. Finalised where all my chillies are going in there and in which pots ( had to do it again, I keep adding to my chilli collection)
Planted 2 varieties of spud. In spud bags in the little tunnel ( they will be moved outside later)
Finally sowed some stuff today! Ive put in ten pots of sweetpeas, and two pots of lobelia - I’m trying to use up the dregs of packets, so the white sweetpea seeds were mixed in with the purple sweetpeas, so each pot is a mystery.
Ive filled some modules with sieved compost and they are just draining in the sink. No idea what Im going to put in, maybe some peas and mini bush toms.
Checked that all heaters,lights and fans /thermostats are working OK in Grow box 2.
Potted up 3 Tomato plants of 5 varieties :--
Pantano Romanesco.
Big Daddy.
Sweet Million.
Outdoor girl.
Sowed :--
Tumble Tom
Red Alert
That I didnt remember I had seeds..!
Sowed more salad, Dwarf Kale and Black Kale.
Planted 3 MFB's (1 x each of Rocket,Lady C and Casablanca)
Sieved,'Pepped' up and mixed another 60 ltrs of compost and put in the hot box to warm up for further plantings.
Harvested salad leaves and lettuce , carrots and leeks.Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD
Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation
Put weed fabric on the path between the new beds.
Removed an old bit of weed fabric on another path. built the path up ( it had sunk in all this very wet weather). Put new weed fabric down.
Extended the hard standing for all the spud bags this year.
Filled in 2 holes where I dug out the blue berry bushes.
I didn't actually do anything in the garden as such but while out and about doing a bit of shopping I popped into a local Costa coffee shop to ask what they did with their coffee grounds. They told me that they went off for recycling. However, if anyone wants some they are quite welcome to pick some up to take them away. As it happened they'd just emptied the machines and they said I could have what they had. This is it.
There's about a stone of coffee grounds in this bag and they said there'd be about the same amount every day if I want it. I think that's a lot more than I'd need but it's great to know there's such an abundant source to get the stuff from
Got wet/cold feet doe to Welly absence but bravely soldiered on and raised a waterbutt to enable watering can accessibility.
Battened my plot's greenhouse type thingameejig. - should get a few more years out of it. Sowed some broadbeans. Pinned some bubble wrap inside - still haven't found the best technique for that.
This afternoon I'm hoping to get some chillies and Tom's sown at home
Soaking in bath at present...sigpic
1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.
Don't drop your phone, Baldy...
Sunday - whole family briefly on the plot.Almost never happens, perfect Mother's Day present. Took down the new tool box that the kids can use to keep their mud kitchen/forest school/go crazy on this bit and not on Mummy's seedlings please kit. I had bought them some plastic paintbrushes so they spent a happy half an hour painting with water. I can't tell you how fabulous it was watching something I'd planned to entertain them ACTUALLY WORK FOR ONCE!
They painted planks, boards, the chair, my backside if I didn't move quick enough and each other.
Monday morning. Forecast said rain, so I'd not planned to go to the plot before work. Woke muzzily at 6.38. Brain slowly came to consciousness. "It's quiet. Why is it quiet? It's not raining. It's not RAINING. B@53@4#d forecast!!!" Jacknifed out of bed, skidded through feeding the cat and getting dressed, threw work clothes in the getting-changed-in-random-toilet-before-office bag and was on the plot, booted and coated, coffee in hand, by 6.56. Tee hee.
Dug over another quarter or so of bed 1, which is for the Charlottes this year. Greeted Not Our Kitten who wandered over to attack any weed roots I lobbed into the bucket. Dug over the small swede patch (small both in area and in size of swedes it produced....). Sat down for five minutes with coffee and verbalised my adoration of Not Our Kitten as he trod happily on my lap and purred. Took down a cheapy garden arch that cheapily bent as I did so. Broke apart said cheapy garden arch to create cheapy garden broad bean supports.
Wished Nor Our Kitten farewell and reminded him to take care on the road. Crossed the road to return to my car. Tripped over Not Our Kitten while taking wellies and waterproofs off. Put keys in the ignition and removed Not Our Kitten from the driving seat. Gently carried Not Our Kitten back over the road, and a little way up the track towards where he lives. Scolded Not Our Kitten and reminded him of the tenets of Road Safety and Not Going Off with Strangers. Returned to the car, finished putting stuff in the boot and went round to the driver's seat. Removed Not Our Kitten from the driver's seat, returned him over the road again, ran back to the car, managed a racing start while watching him cross the road again. Last view of Not Our Kitten was of him sitting on the grass where my car had been, with a distinct air of hard usage.
Spread some woodchip on a couple of paths that'd got a bit muddy. Fertilised a few areas of beds with bfb, and one with lime and calcified seaweed as well, for brassicas.
Planted two nets of daff bulbs that I bought for 10p around Xmas time, we'll see if they actually come to anything now!
Put my seed potatoes out to chit.
Watered a few bits and bobs in the tunnel.He-Pep!
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