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What I did today 2018


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  • Originally posted by geepee View Post
    Spent the morning helping a friend put up posts and wire on their allotment to support Raspberry canes.
    Left feeling happy and content in the knowledge that it made my friend happy.

    Got a phone call from my daughter on the way home informing me that her Father in Law had just suffered a Fatal Heart attack whilst at the Gym.

    She lives 400 miles away so it spoiled my day knowing I wasnt able to be there to give her a hug.

    My thought are with her, my Son in law and 2 grand daughters.

    Puts the subject of weather and gardening into perspective really...?
    Condolences all round there Geepee. We all have our moment to go and it's never a good time for anyone. That doesn't mean you shouldn't still look back on a hard day's graft with pride and pleasure. I'm sure her dad in law wouldn't have wanted to spoil your day and he'd probably be gutted if he knew he had. RIP that man. I'm sure all involved will give him a good send off.

    Right, I'm off to sow some butter beans and glean some compost from a Wormery


    • Sieved half a bin load of last years compost. Emptied and filled the salad planters.


      • Potted on some tomatoes and sweet peppers, into 7 measures of compost 3 of course sand and one of 6x, recording it here as never recorded it in a notebook in the greenhouse
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • (I'm so sorry geepee. )

          Off to the plot for the dawn session, got there at 5:58am. Had hoped to prep the raspberry bed and get them in, but had some issues with deep-rooted weeds and trying to 'find' the paths so ended up ripping up a couple of paths and weeding/levelling for re-laying. On the plus side, managed to get rid of some 'mother' docks, which was deeply satisfying!
          Raspberry bed dug and enriched, played with Not Our Kitten, had a wander down the site and toddled off to work at 7:47.

          I have a day off tomorrow, and the forecast says rain but not too much, so should still be able to get the raspberries in and re lay the paths. If I also manage to do some digging, that will be good. Next up is getting the early potatoes, broad beans, and onions in, and when the heck that's going to happen is anyone's guess...


          • Re-layed a path, dug another 3 foot or so of raspberry bed and planted out 5 x Joan J. Transplanted a random currant to give it more room. Dug over two thirds of the onion/parsnip/leek bed and raked in compost and manure. Set up the skeleton of a den for the boys and heaved some boards into place which will form compost/manure bays. Moved the supports for the brassica cage.

            A really productive day.


            • Filled a couple of potato growing bags at the plot and chucked 3 seed spuds in each - then a good soaking - had some decent results last year from spuds in MFBs so the added volume of the bags should increase yield a bit - though its a random mix of last years compost (de-rooted?), some soil and chicken pellets - so its fair to say that the nutritional value of the growing medium is a bit, um, random.
              Slightly concerned about the chap who's taken on a half plot next to me.
              He seems to like digging and tidyness...
              I've given him a stern warning not to let it look *too* nice
              1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


              • Spent a few hours weeding, tidying and cutting the dead foliage from the strawberry plants.
                Did some tidying in the greenhouse but it's difficult as the overwintered geraniums and Russia are still under cover.
                Sweet peas are flying along now and putting out plenty of side shoots.
                Should be planting them out next month.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • ^^^
                  "Russia are still under cover"

                  Seems unlikely though maybe in Ireland, maybe in Ireland...
                  1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                  • I should of mentioned in my Tuesday post in this thread, that my 'Friend' also donated a worn out,scrap ,surplus wheelbarrow to me. (She has a Spanking new GT model more befitting her status) .
                    I totally understand why she wanted rid of the old one.....Squeaky wheel, twisted handles, jagged/ split sides that grabbed you if you passed too close for its liking..!!!
                    Caked in concrete . No wonder it was a person 'Hater' and would attack Humans at the slightest opportunity and invariably draw blood.
                    Not to mention its 'Rotten bottom'.
                    However , it did/does have a sound wheel....!!!!

                    As mentioned in Tuesdays post, my Daughter's father in Law passed away,( thanks to those on here that sent condolences and /or acknowledgements) himself a keen gardener and personal friend.

                    I thought it a fitting memorial to him (and my 'New barrow) to spend a LITTLE Money and some TLC in restoring 'New Life ' into the old and long serving barrow ,like himself ,the barrow had a long and somewhat hard life but was never heard to complain...
                    Every time I use the barrow I will think fond thoughts of friends past and present.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by geepee; 23-03-2018, 10:34 PM. Reason: added end comment
                    Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

                    Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


                    • Cut the lawns today, is that a first?


                      • ^^^^^^Nope - the man opposite cut his on Tuesday. Me and the next door neighbour then discussed his actions quite colourfully.

                        Right - what Ive done today is naff all. So, any Grape or lurker that finds themselves feeling inadequate or guilty join my club of good intentions.
                        I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                        Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                        • I mowed my lawn today, second time this year.
                          Then I pricked out my pepper and chilli plants into individual pots and did a bit of weeding in the garden.
                          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                          • Potted on most of the chillies, only a few more to do!

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                            Tomorrow will be "Tomato" Fest!
                            "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                            • Spent a couple of hours sowing the last of my chilli seeds - I say last, I'm now bound to discover more that I squirreled away. Sown some expensive cuke F1's - name temporarily forgotten.

                              Half a shed re-coated with Ducksback - it actually 'feels' better when I'm slapping it on (the shed) than the bargain basement stuff I tend to use. Sowed some beetroot into seed tray in the GH on the plot.

                              GH at home had a bit of a tidy - much left to be done - hopefully tomorrow.

                              Picked up some value decking at Homebase - 3 for 2 - so got 9 for £21 quid. Will be used to re-surface the plot's communal picnic benches which are suffering from a bit of rot.

                              Hoping to maintain this high level of activity into tomorrow - as the forecast looks good...
                              1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                              • Lovely weather - though temps are meant to drop as the week goes on.
                                So - resurfaced the communal picnic benches - - I love my £10 black and decker electric screwdriver (expected it to be underpowered and only good for flat pack assembly - but I'm impressed) - Ducksback'd two sheds and two fence panels. Fixed a pump in the pond.
                                Emptied two garden tidy bags into a multitude of grateful compost bins.
                                Considered doing some weeding.


                                Cream crackered now
                                1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


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