I'm cream crackered...
Second raised bed filled with (spent) compost - sown some early nantes5 carrot, barrowed 6 bags of compost across the site to my plot, fixed my tumbling composter, added batons to reinforce the plastic compost bins around the bottom openings, half-inched some fleece material that has lain unused for 4 years, carrier bag of weeds pulled up, fat babies sown, beetroot seedlings planted out, lettuce sown, old parsnip seeds liberally sown
Second raised bed filled with (spent) compost - sown some early nantes5 carrot, barrowed 6 bags of compost across the site to my plot, fixed my tumbling composter, added batons to reinforce the plastic compost bins around the bottom openings, half-inched some fleece material that has lain unused for 4 years, carrier bag of weeds pulled up, fat babies sown, beetroot seedlings planted out, lettuce sown, old parsnip seeds liberally sown