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Growing some early toms 2018


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  • Got flowers on mini bel.


    • Here is little Bartholomew. He lives in the tunnel now and has been potted on for the final time. To big for the dining room (Area 51).

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      • and a little pic of my earlies again and a question for those of you growing Cherry Falls, i know VC is.

        Anyway, my cherry falls has its first flowers forming but its huge compared to the other earlys, twice as big and is looking more like a cordon than a bush, see the armpits forming in the fotos, not noticed these on any other tumbling type before.
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        Last edited by jackarmy; 28-03-2018, 06:07 PM.


        • I'm no expert on this tomato, but looks like you were given the seed of a different variety to me.


          • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
            Here is little Bartholomew. He lives in the tunnel now and has been potted on for the final time. To big for the dining room (Area 51).

            SP what sort of temp' are you looking for /is in your Poly tunnel..???

            Ive got tom plants desperate to harden off, but i'm afraid of putting them any where too chilly.
            Also Chillie plants, potted on and approx 3'' high, how warm do I need to keep them now..??
            All advice welcome as this is my first serious year at growing both.
            Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

            Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


            • Originally posted by geepee View Post
              SP what sort of temp' are you looking for /is in your Poly tunnel..???

              Ive got tom plants desperate to harden off, but i'm afraid of putting them any where too chilly.
              Also Chillie plants, potted on and approx 3'' high, how warm do I need to keep them now..??
              All advice welcome as this is my first serious year at growing both.
              To be honest the tunnel isn't even close to warm enough for my tomato at night? But he's just to big for the house with all the chillies I've got in there. He does have a fleece over him at night. It just a case of hope, prey, fingers crossed and sleepless nights with worry .
              100% do not put chillies out yet. Especially as they are still small. I have put 7 of my chillies out ( don't tell anyone) again to big after potting on. But they are about 12" high. They are in a blow away in the tunnel with a bucket of water as a heat sink. And the blow away has a fitted fleece over it at night.
              Ps I'm completely off my rocker don't copy me


              • Originally posted by jackarmy View Post
                and a little pic of my earlies again and a question for those of you growing Cherry Falls, i know VC is.

                Anyway, my cherry falls has its first flowers forming but its huge compared to the other earlys, twice as big and is looking more like a cordon than a bush, see the armpits forming in the fotos, not noticed these on any other tumbling type before.

                Mine are nowhere near the size of yours, Jack!!
                They're more like the tiddly little ones on the left. No character at all yet.


                • Think im gonna sow a few more cherry falls to find out VC , got a feeling Nick may well be right, these were shop bought tho so be unusuul if so.soon find out

                  Should have clarified, the Cherry Falls is the central plant, the toms either side are Rambling Red Stripe. Although of a similar hight the RRS has no side shoots at all, the CF has loads.
                  Last edited by jackarmy; 29-03-2018, 08:21 AM.


                  • How�s everyone�s toms?
                    Flower trusses on all the rambling red stripe, minbells and halms gelbe.
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                    • At the seed leaf stage here! Hoping they catch up with yours but ....


                      • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                        How�s everyone�s toms?
                        Flower trusses on all the rambling red stripe, minbells and halms gelbe.
                        Yours are much further on than mine.
                        My Gardenpearl and Peardrops are about a foot high and just starting to grow sideshoots up the stems, as they should.
                        I think we're through the worst and any plants still with us - should give early fruit - so all good


                        • My balconi reds are indoors today,it�s a bit cold out there & it�s been raining all day,flower buds have appeared Edit added another photo - I just noticed the flowers open on this one

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                          Last edited by Jungle Jane; 08-04-2018, 03:31 PM.
                          Location : Essex


                          • Originally posted by muck lover View Post
                            At the seed leaf stage here! Hoping they catch up with yours but ....
                            I did some early ones and then did a second batch later.....the later ones didn’t fair too welll being left with my son, just too small to cope with his neglect. Such a shame that he’s too big to tell off! ( though I have threatened turning off the WiFi!) I will need to start some more I think .....
                            Last edited by Scarlet; 08-04-2018, 03:34 PM.


                            • Looking good Scarlet.
                              Mine are doing fine and I hadn't lost any but no flower buds just yet.
                              Soon I think.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • I have flowers open on the January sown Shirleys and flower buds on the balconi yellow that were sown in February. The balconi red are behind as for some reason they didn't germinate and I had to re-sow. The March sown Shirleys are nearly ready to pot up.

                                The rest of my tomatoes will not be sown until later in April as they are mostly going outside.
                                Last edited by Penellype; 08-04-2018, 07:28 PM.
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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