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Pumpkins and squashes, will they grow in shade


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  • Pumpkins and squashes, will they grow in shade

    I have a couple of areas, one gets full sun till mid afternoon
    The other slightly less.
    Could I grow pumpkins or squashes on those ?

    Also anyone tried pumpkin small sugar ?

    Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!

  • #2
    Not a 100% sure on the shaded growing area. Someone with knowledge will be along shortly.
    As for small sugar. Best pumpkin ever! I grow it every year. You can easily get 2 or 3 good sized pumpkins to a plant, more in a good year ( don't hold your breath for one of those! ). They really do have a lovely flavour, they store well.
    Excellent choice. Love it, love it.


    • #3
      I doubt you'll do well with shade for these plants - may be some soft fruit like black currants would be a better fit ?


      • #4
        I tried to grow "Turks Turban" squashes in partial shade a couple of years ago, none of the plants liked it and didn't really come to much.

        I was always under the impression that anything leafy can handle partial shade where anything that produces fruit needs full sun... mind you I'm still really new to this and am just going on what I've read.
        "Bulb: potential flower buried in Autumn, never to be seen again."
        - Henry Beard


        • #5
          Originally posted by Peteyd View Post
          I tried to grow "Turks Turban" squashes in partial shade a couple of years ago, none of the plants liked it and didn't really come to much.

          I was always under the impression that anything leafy can handle partial shade where anything that produces fruit needs full sun... mind you I'm still really new to this and am just going on what I've read.
          Not a bad rule, but you'll get closer to what's needed by the plant if you look at the climate of the place where the one you're considering came from originally.


          • #6
            Would small sugar & squash grow up a support,growing upwards might give it more sunshine?
            Location : Essex


            • #7
              Was thinking ... why you trying to grown them in a shed? Huh..

              No they don't like shade. Had several plants in middle of my veg plot last year... was miserable and wet for much of the season and they only produced the 1 fruit.


              • #8
                They are supposedly a woodland plant. I grow reasonable sized specimens in partial shade but think I would have more chance in our pumpkin competition if I grew them in full sun. (At least that's my excuse, anyway!)
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • #9
                  Well I've started mine off in the sunshine but then they take of in all directions depending on the variety, climbing up trees and over fences. A little shade would be OK but not full. They are often grown in with sweetcorn and climbing beans. There would be plenty of info about on how the native Americans used to grow beans,sweetcorn and squash together.


                  • #10
                    I must admit I grew some pumpkins and squashes in a raised bed outside at the back of my greenhouse.
                    I put some wind breaks around the bed, frame covers on edge.
                    They seemed to do well.

                    See previous post Yippeeee!!!! Pumpkin!!!!! - Page 3

                    Thanks for all the replies.
                    Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


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