We have 19 horses and ponies at the stables where Horse is resident. He is the only 100% stabled one 'cos of his foot.
Our manure heaps are split into pure poo, picked from the fields each day, and one small bay that is for anything taken out of stables. The latter has chippings and straw and a high percentage of wee. I can vouch for it being hotter than the poo heaps as I stack both each week.
It may be a small thing, and I don't want to be raising huge alarm bells, but one thing to perhaps ask if you are not composting manure first & taking from the stables is what medication the horses are on (particularly bute which bars anything that's had it from the human food chain) and how many tend to be on it. Horses with arthritis may be on daily bute. Only 3 of ours are on anything, and we've established that's safe for humans and dogs once it's through the horse, but remember horses get sick and are on painkillers, antibiotics, the horse version of the pill, calmers etc..
Our manure heaps are split into pure poo, picked from the fields each day, and one small bay that is for anything taken out of stables. The latter has chippings and straw and a high percentage of wee. I can vouch for it being hotter than the poo heaps as I stack both each week.
It may be a small thing, and I don't want to be raising huge alarm bells, but one thing to perhaps ask if you are not composting manure first & taking from the stables is what medication the horses are on (particularly bute which bars anything that's had it from the human food chain) and how many tend to be on it. Horses with arthritis may be on daily bute. Only 3 of ours are on anything, and we've established that's safe for humans and dogs once it's through the horse, but remember horses get sick and are on painkillers, antibiotics, the horse version of the pill, calmers etc..