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Here is Muck Lover's plot


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  • Here is Muck Lover's plot

    Hi - I'm going to try (!) to post a few photos of my plot just for fun and to help me learn better how to post photos on the forum.
    Here goes....
    This is my first growing area. Several raised beds and a wildlife area around it. The wildlife area has herbs in it including rosemary, sage, lavender hyssop and redcurrent bush.
    Front right is an ericaceous bed with blueberry bushes. A tree fell on this bed about a year ago and it didn't do the plants any good at all. I had to replace some.
    Front left is a bed that has flower bulbs for cutting- alliums, hardy gladeoli and I cant remember what else. I might put brassicas there this year.
    Both middle beds have more bulbs, comfrey, parsley and will be getting onions and maybe kale and cabbage, possibly some French beans and salads.
    The two back beds are hard to see in photo but have alpine strawberries, a dwarf plum, gladeoli, tulips and will have broad beans and parsley and shallots.
    I mulched all these beds with leafmould so I am hoping it relatively weed free. I allow self seeded limnanthes, borage pot marigolds and Californian poppies.
    I have a few other growing areas and a polytunnel which I will show off some other time. Now to load up the photo......Click image for larger version

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  • #2
    That looks great ML

    Is it an allotment or your garden?
    .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

    My Youtube Channel -


    • #3
      Nice sunny spot ML loads of growing areas there & the polytunnel how wonderful all of that space & then you can sit in the summerhouse & look at it all growing & take loads of photos you�re good at uploading them
      Location : Essex


      • #4
        Very nice and tidy
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • #5
          Looks lovely. Congratulations.


          • #6
            Not an allotment. It’s my garden. That part gets reasonable sun but there’s a very persistent wind usually blows across it from south west. I think sometimes we underestimate the importance of shelter.
            Yes the polytunnel is the joy of my life! I’ve just come in from sowing a few trays of calendula as I have some areas where I’m hopkng to plant calendula until I plant up properly.
            Probably not the right time to sow anything given the forecast for coldest week of the winter but ....
            I managed to sow seeds and sieve some more leafmould without any extremities falling off. Although haven’t taken socks off yet. I’m


            • #7
              Here is a compost area - 10 large compost boxes which are actually mostly the crates tiles arrived in. Its the weediest compost in the world but I just mulch over it. Click image for larger version

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              And similarly for leafmould bins - again another ten of these. Click image for larger version

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              We do have a lot of trees and have to put the leaves somewhere. This autumn the undergardeners stupidly put the new leaves on top of the previous years'. Now the good stuff needs dug out from underneath. Its brilliant stuff - clean to handle and less weeds than the compost. I just mulch everywhere and have been sieving it to use in potting composts. I am experimenting with using it on its own(with a bit of fertiliser) for carrots and container potatoes.


              • #8
                Re Yes the polytunnel is the joy of my life!
                I have a 6x8 green house and have been painting the staging with wood preserve. It's a joy to do inside a nice green house heated by the sun. Outside in the wind I would just shrivel up !
                Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


                • #9
                  10 compost bins! You must have a huge garden to fill those.
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • #10
                    Yes it is a large garden but we have cleared a lot of new/overgrown areas and that has mostly been responsible for filling the compost bins. Once its all done I don't think I would be regularly filling all those and I'll fill them maybe with cow muck which I have been promised.
                    I think we will still fill the leafmould bins though....


                    • #11
                      AND I grub about under some large mature conifers I have and scrape up the old needles to mulch the blueberries.
                      I have really been using leafmould mulches a lot from this autumn. I am hoping it doesn't make the slugs too happy.


                      • #12
                        Nice garden, glad my OH doesn't come on the Vine and that you are not my neighbour, it would be "see how nice and tidy his garden is, look at the mess you have" though I am still hopeful that Penellype is going to nip up and sort it out
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rary View Post
                          Nice garden, glad my OH doesn't come on the Vine and that you are not my neighbour, it would be "see how nice and tidy his garden is, look at the mess you have" though I am still hopeful that Penellype is going to nip up and sort it out
                          Ha, I think I have enough on with my garden, my friend's garden and my allotment...
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • #14

                            Its lovely to see kind comments about how tidy the garden is.
                            However in the interest of full and frank honesty I feel obligated to say I only posted photos of the nicer neater areas. So just to make Rary feel better here is a photo of one of the many areas of my garden that are still awaiting development!!
                            Loads of black plastic been there for a few years. So much debris has gathered that weeds are now growing ABOVE the plastic. Ho hum....
                            Click image for larger version

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