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Will this idea work?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
    You can use anything plastic, mushroom trays, small food trays.

    We all save seeds here, they will grow as well as any you buy.

    ??? I’m not sure what you mean? If you get your compost today, sow in an old tray/food container, a little water and within 7/10 my guess is you will have some seedlings. Pot up into yoghurt pots when they have grown a set leaves. Job done.
    sorry was a typo. i have already started to try and germinate the seeds in a paper towel but i do not have the pots or compost yet.
    I can get them when needed and i know the sooner the better but i only watered the seeds yesterday using a wet paper towel in a glass lid covered in cling film placed near a radiator
    What i meant was if the seeds do germinate how long will they last without the compost in a worse case scenario i don't have it


    • #17
      Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
      Final Pot - 10l or there abouts. - Light and Heat. - MFB seems to be Vine preferred Pot
      Yep! Then you end up with these monsters on your window ledges all winter!
      Click image for larger version

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      • #18
        If you’ve already started I would suggest going to get the compost over the next couple of days. No time like the present..looking at your photo on another post they look like cayenne’s do I wouldn’t be surprised if they germinate this week. You’ll need the kit by then.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
          If you’ve already started I would suggest going to get the compost over the next couple of days. No time like the present..looking at your photo on another post they look like cayenne’s do I wouldn’t be surprised if they germinate this week. You’ll need the kit by then.
          kk will do thanks.
          Will update if the seeds germinate


          • #20
            Originally posted by Reefer123 View Post
            I'm planning on using chilli focus and carbonated water + watering from below.
            Should i get compost with additional fertilizer added or just vanilla
            Thought you were keeping it simple.
            What's all this carbonated water and vanilla talk?
            Tap water is fine for seedlings and I've no idea about vanilla except in icecream!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Reefer123 View Post
              I'm growing indoors and trying to keep it simple as possible. I can store a bag of compost or two but 40 kg of chicken poop no way
              That'll be a typo 40l - Half Big Bag - 4 Pots ish


              • #22
                I think you can sit wondering what you need etc but there�s nothing better than a bit of action! If you�ve a garden centre/diy store nearby that�s open - go do it!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                  Thought you were keeping it simple.
                  What's all this carbonated water and vanilla talk?
                  Tap water is fine for seedlings and I've no idea about vanilla except in icecream!
                  Ha im sorry vanilla is the best word i could think of for plain nothing added you know just vanilla no colour or flavour
                  As for the water i have loads of it due to just buying 4 x 2 liter bottles from aldi since i like fizzy up concentrated drinks.
                  Plus i have nothing to mix the chilli fucus measurements with so if its 1 cap per 2 liters of water as i have read that that problem solved


                  • #24
                    Have to disagree about vanilla having no colour or flavour

                    Anyway, have a read of this
                    Have you considered using an empty 2 litre bottle and filling it with tap water instead of using the bottled water you've bought?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                      Have to disagree about vanilla having no colour or flavour

                      Anyway, have a read of this
                      Have you considered using an empty 2 litre bottle and filling it with tap water instead of using the bottled water you've bought?
                      i agree but its still the most boring no ?


                      • #26
                        No, I like vanilla icecream.


                        • #27
                          And tap water doesn't taste nice to me in a drink. And at 80 pence for 8 liters of carbonated its probably il take the hit


                          • #28
                            Think VC meant use tap water to water the seedling rather than the carbonated


                            • #29
                              It's hard to say- they just need to be kept moist to start germinating, but once they're germinating, they really do want to be potted up. Chilli seeds are generally slow and unpredictable to germinate, so it could be anything up to a few weeks.

                              Can I ask why you're planning on watering with carbonated water?
                              My spiffy new lottie blog


                              • #30
                                Vanilla is commonly used (especially in computing ime) to refer to something plain, without bells and whistles, so I understood what you meant by that. I've seen people using all sorts of stuff to grow chillies but I've not seen carbonated water so that will be interesting. Would be even better if you used it for half your seedlings and tap water for the other half.

                                Don't grow them in chicken manure! It is far too concentrated a fertiliser to use as a growing medium. By all means when potting up into final pots (if they are going outdoors / greenhouse etc.) add it to the potting mix. But it does stink so best not to use it indoors.

                                Multipurpose compost is fine although I do mix extra perlite into it to make it more free-draining. Last year I tried "seed and cutting compost" but it seemed too dense for my chillies. I won't use it again. Think it was a John Innes one. I am using Biobizz Light Mix (your hydroponics shop probably stocks it - that's where I get mine) for my first potting up (1 litre pots) but it's a bit pricey to use it for the final pots so I'll be using multipurpose compost plus perlite again, I expect.


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