Schisandra Chinensa - 5 Flavour Berry Plant (Magnolia Vine) Wu Wei Zi
Turks Sage
I've found out that the Wu Wei Zi has both male and female flowers so is (hopefully and maybe with a bit of help) self fertile..............but do birds eat the berries? Can you overdose on the berries (used in medicines)? Does it have any demands to keep it healthy?
OK Turk's Sage - does it taste like common sage? Do the flowers attract bees etc?
Turks Sage
I've found out that the Wu Wei Zi has both male and female flowers so is (hopefully and maybe with a bit of help) self fertile..............but do birds eat the berries? Can you overdose on the berries (used in medicines)? Does it have any demands to keep it healthy?
OK Turk's Sage - does it taste like common sage? Do the flowers attract bees etc?