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Onion bed - manure or not?


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  • Onion bed - manure or not?

    So, I need to get my onion bed prepped. Guides seem to suggest enriching with well-rotted manure the previous autumn, but the same guides put onions following the brassicas, so the ground has been fully occupied until, well, this week.

    To manure or not to manure, this close to planting out sets?

    Thank you!

  • #2
    I think the key is in the 'well rotted/composted' manure. If it's like three years old and crumbly without a smell your good to go. Newer stuff needs more time for the microbes to get to grips with it and make it available to the root systems.
    If you have 1 year old muck, why not prepare and seed/plant the bed and then use the muck as a surface mulch not touching the plants. The nutriens will percolate down and the worms will do the rest for you without the risk of burning anything.
    Others may have different opinions.


    • #3
      The other way round it if the manure you have is not well rotted is to get it a minimum of 6" down, so that the plants roots will be able to deal with it when they get to it. If you try this do not put it in as a thick layer, as then when it rots the ground will slump down causing problems.


      • #4
        Thanks guys, both sensible suggestions.


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