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Planting out Cauliflower


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  • Planting out Cauliflower

    Hi there. I have planted some Cauli�s from seed indoors and they are now grown to about 3 inch in a deep tray. Can I plant them out yet?

    Also, shall I move them as they are but in a bit bigger pot and then put them in the greenhouse instead. I�m running out of seed tray space indoors you see.

    Kind Regards.......Rob

  • #2
    I hope someone a bit more knowledgeable will be along soon- I have only grown cauli once, but I think I would put in a bigger pot and harden off to greenhouse then to outdoors gradually over the next few weeks. If you have cental heating it will be quite a temperature drop from indoors to outdoors at this time of year...
    I put mine into 3 inch pots and planted out when they had 4-6 true leaves each. I don’t know if it was the best method - but I did get a (smallish) cauliflower off each plant ;-)


    • #3
      Mine will go out intne next couple of weeks, been in a cold greenhouse since sowing. Brassicas will suffer shock if not hardened off and result in stunted growth. How many true leaves do tney have?


      • #4
        As Greensleeves says, I'd plant them on into small pots, let them get stronger for a couple of weeks, and then harden them off and put them in the ground.

        They have a long time in the ground so there's no rush to get them out in this weather.

        I've only just sown mine in modules in a cold greenhouse.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
          Mine will go out intne next couple of weeks, been in a cold greenhouse since sowing. Brassicas will suffer shock if not hardened off and result in stunted growth. How many true leaves do tney have?
          They have between 2 and 4 true leaves.


          • #6
            I would wait a few more weeks Rob


            • #7
              I always seem to have a problem getting brassicas to live beyond this stage.

              These are my cauli (All Year Round) and the tips of the baby leaves are going brown.

              Nest stage is normally that they just curl up and die. Tends just to be brassicas that get revenge in this way.

              These are still in the house - unheated porch. Was going to put them out to a "Cold Green House", but with the mini beast from the east on its way (Cold), thinking Tuesday now.

              Are they too hot or is it too much sun\light?

              how big before I even think about planting them out?
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
                I always seem to have a problem getting brassicas to live beyond this stage.

                These are my cauli (All Year Round) and the tips of the baby leaves are going brown.

                Nest stage is normally that they just curl up and die. Tends just to be brassicas that get revenge in this way.

                These are still in the house - unheated porch. Was going to put them out to a "Cold Green House", but with the mini beast from the east on its way (Cold), thinking Tuesday now.

                Are they too hot or is it too much sun\light?

                how big before I even think about planting them out?
                They look really healthy to me. Healthier than mine anyway 4shoes.

                Kind Regards.... Rob


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dynamite View Post
                  They look really healthy to me. Healthier than mine anyway 4shoes.

                  Kind Regards.... Rob
                  That's what the plants said last year.


                  • #10
                    I personally would re-pot them and plant them deeper, up to the first true leaves....don't over water at this stage.


                    • #11
                      I have never successfully grown a cauliflower. I have two in polytunnel st the moment which have been growing all winter and have survived the very cold spring so far.
                      Maybe this year.....


                      • #12
                        I’ve just repotted mine. Here they are.....

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	18234876-3486-44E0-A41D-DD929AB67102.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	124.0 KB
ID:	2376858

                        Still don’t know if I should take em to the greenhouse. Currently is at 2 degrees inside the greenhouse and the lowest it’s been inside there for the last week was -1.3 degrees. What do people think?

                        Regards........ Rob
                        Last edited by Dynamite; 18-03-2018, 12:22 PM.


                        • #13
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	B6DB4CCF-809C-491D-A089-206D0787AA4A.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	170.6 KB
ID:	2376865
                          My two caulis in polytunnel. They seem healthy. The idea was I would harvest before I needed the space for summer plants. No sign of a heart though.
                          Does anyone know how quickly these should heart up? Has the cold spring delayed things? I had intended growing some cucumbers in that spot after hopefully getting my first cauliflower harvest ever.


                          • #14
                            A lot depends on the variety, I don't think you are going to get a good return

                            Cauliflowers are are quite happy to sit in the cold if you grow the right variety.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
                              A lot depends on the variety, I don't think you are going to get a good return

                              Cauliflowers are are quite happy to sit in the cold if you grow the right variety.
                              They are “All Year Round”

                              Regards Rob


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