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The new popularity of Beetroot


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  • The new popularity of Beetroot

    It�s probably against the rules to discuss politics here, so I�ll try not to be quite that norty. If I cross the line dear mods, feel free to delete this post.

    Vegetables don�t often have much political significance, although I think Welsh Nationalists should be obliged to grow leeks, and I did once come across a patriotic British pack of red, white and blue seed potatoes.

    But I�ve been seeing an unusual interest in beetroot in the last few days. It seems that lots of people of a certain political persuasion are going to grow them this year, even if they hate eating them, just so they can wave them in the air and make loud, sweary exclamations about economic systems.

    There has also been great appreciation of the fact that not only is it a red vegetable but it also turns your pee red.

    Presumably those of an opposing political persuasion will now have to give up growing them, or confine themselves to the white and yellow varieties. There aren�t any blue ones.

  • #2
    Growing to use as a political statement! Just shows how stupid the human race can be. Opps am I allowed to say human it has the word man in it! should I use Huperson these days?. We live in strange times for the population of Mother Earth, hang on what if Earth is male or even transgender I get so confused with what Ministry of Thought tell me is acceptable to think and say these days.
    . .......Man Vs Slug
    Click Here for my Diary and Blog
    Nutters Club Member


    • #3
      Is that what you call us mods, Baldy? The Ministry of Thought??


      • #4
        Balders has not posted here, so why are you asking him?

        The mods here are very level headed and handed and get the respect from the member the deserve, unlike other forums that a lot of us know about where the mods are power crazy individuals and yes act like the Thought Police from 1984

        A Forum should be a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

        I may not always agree with someone view, but if it can't be talked about openly how will I every get enough information to question and perhaps change my point of view?.

        The only problem we have these days are people that want to be offended normally not for themselves but for others and then get personal and attack the person expressing a view they don't agree with. This is funny because it's so true

        When they start stopping people from expressing there views at Speaker Corner I worry that the freedoms of speech that my father, grandfather and great grandfather fought for are being lost and eroded. We stand on the shoulders of giants and its our duty to continue their work and not lose the freedoms and rights we have struggled to obtain.

        Being a Social Justice Warrior
        Last edited by Cadalot; 07-04-2018, 07:44 AM.
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • #5
          You are Going to have to reference material

          Not been aware of any call to grow beetroot from Nicola.

          Fingers in every other pie, but if there is a call, then I expect it should have to be the yellow variety


          • #6
            As a child I always called beetroot colour �purple�, which confuses the politics somewhat...

            I plan to be growing loads of beetroot this year, not for political reasons but simply because I tried a little bit last year and discovered I really like it roasted, in casseroles and as beetroot crisps

            I wonder what the beetroot think of the politics being enforced on them?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Chestnut View Post
              beetroot crisps
              Now I'm liking the sound of that, how do you make them?
              . .......Man Vs Slug
              Click Here for my Diary and Blog
              Nutters Club Member


              • #8
                A Forum should be a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged
                Very true, but what topics are allowed for discussion is a matter for the forum owners, not for the members or Mods to decide. Most forums have a set of rules/terms and conditions that you have agreed to by becoming a member, including this one.
                The management decide exactly how the rules are applied and have the final say on any disagreements - that's how forums work.

                Back on topic - vegetables in political colours, mm now that could be a problem...

                Easy to do veg for the Greens, probably can manage yellow veg for the Lib Dems, Labour's red is also ok, can do yellow/back for SNP but think Tory blue may have to be flowers, even blue peas aren't really blue, are they?
                We're allowed to discuss colours


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cadalot View Post
                  Balders has not posted here, so why are you asking him?
                  Sorry, I always get you two mixed up for some reason!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bario1 View Post
                    Sorry, I always get you two mixed up for some reason!
                    Totally understandable we are "Cosmic Twins" after all and happen to have similar sense of humour and I must say he has even converted me to some of the more iffy music he like to listen too.

                    I worked in the Local Council when we had just painted the bridge into the town blue and white, and was informed that the Council wanted it re painted as it was Blue like the Conservative party and as Liberal had got in they wanted re painted. So I said well in 6 years time when we do another principal inspection we can change the colour as it has been rust treated sanded primed and painted now.

                    No No it has to be repainted, we can't have Blue for the bridge on the road that goes into the town High Street. I protested as a resident who paid council tax. Finally what colour do you want then ?


                    Hang on isn't green a political colour because there is that new "Green" party.

                    Apparently it was OK as their bootstrap logo at the time was "The Greener Cleaner Borough"
                    Last edited by Cadalot; 07-04-2018, 08:43 AM.
                    . .......Man Vs Slug
                    Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                    Nutters Club Member


                    • #11
                      ^^^ don't get me banned Cadders, don't get me banned
                      1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                      • #12
                        ^^^ Like you did me last time
                        . .......Man Vs Slug
                        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                        Nutters Club Member


                        • #13
                          Me, I'm growing purple/red and yellow beetroot, for what it's worth.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cadalot View Post
                            Now I'm liking the sound of that, how do you make them?
                            Haven�t actually made any myself yet, just ready made/shop bought

                            Here is a recipe I found online in advance of this year�s crop


                            I believe you can also dry out beet slices in a dehydrator; healthier, but the online reviews suggest they might not taste quite as good....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chestnut View Post
                              As a child I always called beetroot colour �purple�, which confuses the politics somewhat...
                              They're purple to me too - a cross between red and blue. I'll say nothing about confused politicians As for Red pee - seems so appropriate.

                              Last year I grew stripey beetroot, Chioggia, what a let down! Certainly didn't live up to the image on the packet. It was more like a washed out red or a blurry white than a bold striped statement of a beetroot. Another thing that doesn't do what it says on the tin.


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