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The new popularity of Beetroot


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  • #16
    Burpee's Golden says it all.

    Politics and veg..................what next politics and shampoo?
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


    • #17
      Shampoo - such a strange word. Pretend poo Who'd put that on their hair??
      Which made my mind wander...............and yes, you can dye your hair with beetroot juice.


      • #18
        And every other body bit as well.

        I was thinking and yes I can hear the gasps of disbelief from here that the only thing I’ve ever grown to convey a message was poppies.
        I wanted the garden to have a load for the WW1 centenary. No political message involved just to show respect for the people and animals that died or were injured during that horrific conflict. It was a completely neutral statement irrespective of gender, colour, faith or species.
        I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

        Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Cadalot View Post
          Growing to use as a political statement! Just shows how stupid the human race can be. Opps am I allowed to say human it has the word man in it! should I use Huperson these days?. We live in strange times for the population of Mother Earth, hang on what if Earth is male or even transgender I get so confused with what Ministry of Thought tell me is acceptable to think and say these days.
          You can use Huperson if you want, Cadders, but everyone else will think you're a bit weird.

          As for the planet Earth, in English it doesn't really have a gender, but in French it's feminine and in Slovak masculine. That seems pretty much transgender to me.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Zelenina View Post
            You can use Huperson if you want, Cadders, but everyone else will think you're a bit weird.
            "Weird is Good" - Hans Zimmer

            I'm happy to have this as my theme tune!


            Listen to him he makes sense !
            Last edited by Cadalot; 07-04-2018, 03:29 PM.
            . .......Man Vs Slug
            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
            Nutters Club Member


            • #21
              Just to show you should never believe what you read in the Daily Fail. The veg they identified as beetroot was in fact horseradish, which is a much more extreme type of root, although it lacks that nice red colour


              • #22
                I always thought the reason beet root was popular was because you got two different vegetables from it. greens and root.


                • #23
                  Although I'm say I'm from the midlands I'm from Derbyshire originally and like Yorkshire people, we always 'say what we think and think what we say' so don't even get me started else I will get banned from the forum lol. I grow Beetroot 'cos I can and I want, and I don't give a s**t what colour it is, nuff said.
                  The day that Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck ...

                  ... is the day they make vacuum cleaners


                  • #24
                    MB, telling it like it is! And on topic.

                    (Off topic: Your signature always gives me a grin, by the way.)

                    Now here's a question for everyone: do you cut your beetroot horizontally or lengthwise? I saw a picture of a new yellow variety someone is trying to promote. I think he was an academic of some kind who was trying to encourage his kid to eat beetroot. He'd called it Flame and you could see why because he'd cut it lengthwise. With the colour, shape and patterning inside, it looked just like a flame. Beautiful. I'd try it if I ever saw it.

                    Me, I cut mine horizontally, but I might be daring and try lengthwise this year, just to see. Gosh, how daring...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Zelenina View Post
                      It�s probably against the rules to discuss politics here, so I�ll try not to be quite that norty. If I cross the line dear mods, feel free to delete this post.

                      Vegetables don�t often have much political significance, although I think Welsh Nationalists should be obliged to grow leeks, and I did once come across a patriotic British pack of red, white and blue seed potatoes.

                      But I�ve been seeing an unusual interest in beetroot in the last few days. It seems that lots of people of a certain political persuasion are going to grow them this year, even if they hate eating them, just so they can wave them in the air and make loud, sweary exclamations about economic systems.

                      There has also been great appreciation of the fact that not only is it a red vegetable but it also turns your pee red.

                      Presumably those of an opposing political persuasion will now have to give up growing them, or confine themselves to the white and yellow varieties. There aren�t any blue ones.
                      I thought we had cornered the market in politicising innocent plants here in Northern Ireland.


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