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Words of encouragement please....


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  • Words of encouragement please....

    How late would you say I can plant my chitted spuds in bags ? Also put dahlias tubers in pots and plant Acidanthera in the ground. Also think I'm too late for sweet peas.
    I'm in a panic as I have had foot bone fusion surgery (on the 3rd April) and have a big heavy cast from back of knee to toes. So can't garden. I'm soooo frustrated especially as I can see my allotments from my upstairs windows. The weather pre op was awful in Sussex for weeks pre op so couldn't get it done. Can anyone one advise?

  • #2
    Firstly don’t panic.

    Secondly potatoes - my allotment neighbour (who previously worked at the potatoe institute in Poland so I’d be inclined to think she knows what she is doing) planted her first earlies in late April and her main crop in May, and said if was colder she would plant later she got a good crop, we are in Kent so should work for you in Sussex especially as March/April was a lot warmer last year than this year.

    Dahlia’s they don’t like frost so I don’t normally plant mine in pots until end April/May in a normal year as I dont have a greenhouse at home to keep them in, they flower but I’m not growing for display or anything just my own enjoyment so perhaps they would be better if I start earlier, I’m certainly no expert.

    Sweet peas I didn’t start until April/May in modules last year for the allotment as only knew I’d have somewhere to put them at that stage (year one of allotment so clearing areas for crops took precidence). Again they flowered in July so I was happy enough with that.

    Mainly don’t get too frustrated most things will grow I think just perhaps be a bit later than if you start earlier. At least in the south we have better weather until later in the year.


    • #3
      Hope you’re alright,things crop up & make things more challenging some years,I plant my chitted first earlies monthly,latest around June,if they’re maincrop they take a lot longer & need to go in soon so they get a chance to grow before blight comes along. Can you start some things in pots & windowsill garden? My dad had a bit of his foot amputated last year,he can’t do any gardening at the moment except he did buy some plants & planted them in their garden the other day. A lot of stuff can be sowed direct in June.
      Location : Essex


      • #4
        Originally posted by bobbin View Post
        How late would you say I can plant my chitted spuds in bags ? Also put dahlias tubers in pots and plant Acidanthera in the ground. Also think I'm too late for sweet peas.
        With the first 3 you mention any time up to the end of June will be doable. Obviously the later you are, the later things will develop, but it won't be a disaster . For now just make sure these things are getting plenty of light and air but are protected from any frost we may get - something like being laid out on trays in a conservatory would be ideal.

        Too late for sowing sweet-pea seed now IMO, if you want them to flower at their normal time. I did notice that one of the supermarkets (Morrisons ?) had plugs of sweet-peas on sale the other day for under £3 per half-dozen, so I'd say that would be your cheapest route with those.
        Last edited by Nicos; 07-04-2018, 11:19 PM.


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