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  • Chillis

    Dear all,

    Does anyone know of any websites I can purchase Chilli plants

    Also please advise the sort soil composition I would need for these plants

    As I dont have a greenhouse is April too soon

    Warmest Regards

  • #2
    Google chilli plug plants lots will come up.
    Mpc is fine for them.
    April is far to soon for them to be outside. They need to be inside until night time temperature is constantly above 10 degrees.


    • #3
      Chillis outside at any time of year in this country are going to be a chancy proposition. You can buy or make some sort of greenhouse/cold-frame, grow small plants inside in a window-sill putting them out on sunny days and bringing them in on cold ones - or try growing something a bit less problematic, like salad veg and/or herbs.

      A lot of supermarkets have plug plants at the moment, cost is 6 for under �2 usually.


      • #4
        Sea Spring Plants sell good-quality plugs; I used them last year.
        They recommend var. 'Super Tramp' as suitable for growing outdoors, and it did quite well for me last year, but as others have said, plug plants need growing-on somewhere sheltered, though until it's warm enough for them to be outside.

        If you can't do this, some of the companies which sell plug plants also sell larger plants. South Devon Chilli Farm are selling them already, and I think Sea Spring Plants will later-on.


        • #5
          Pretty much any garden centre worth it's salt will stock a range of popular chilli plants alongside their other vegetable plugs, usually on the same rack / display as tomato plants as the two have similar growing requirements. Wyevale for example have a range that seem to grow year on year, and most of the independents should stock some. They won't be available for another few weeks yet, but that might be a good start point - price wise you're looking at about �10 for a tray of six mixed, but these'll be at a stage where they only need one more repotting and they should be good to go for the summer so good value really. You'll get a lot more range online but you'll pay P+P on top of any order plus your actual plant selection is at the discretion of the supplier.


          • #6
            B&Q will have a few varieties.
            Any markets around you - both around me sell plants including chilli's.

            As you have asked about spring onions and now chilli's, might be worth scribbling a list of seeds you fancy trying and buying them. Somewhere like Moreveg sell in smaller manageable quantities and 4 or 5 veg seeds from them sounds like it could be more sensible.

            I bought a Lemon something (drop??) chilli at my local market last year. Upstairs in the bathroom growing like mad at present. Just sown some Hungarian Hot Yellow Wax a few days ago. They are in a "propogator" = seed tray with a plastic lid thing.


            • #7

              where did you buy these chillis from ? maybe try the same place ?


              • #8
                Tarragon, could just go buy some chilli's from a supermarket and plant some of the seeds.
                The hotter varieties tend to be more difficult to germinate, some need a heated propogator and great care.

                Also check the supermarkets, sure I have seen chilli plants in Tesco and Sainsbury's.

                If you drive then in, or around, August there is the Chilli Fest at West Dean.
                Mad event, if it doesn't make you scream when you eat it they don't sell it.
                Only place I have ever bought a plant that had a health warning.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kirk View Post
                  Tarragon, could just go buy some chilli's from a supermarket and plant some of the seeds.
                  The hotter varieties tend to be more difficult to germinate, some need a heated propogator and great care.

                  Also check the supermarkets, sure I have seen chilli plants in Tesco and Sainsbury's.

                  If you drive then in, or around, August there is the Chilli Fest at West Dean.
                  Mad event, if it doesn't make you scream when you eat it they don't sell it.
                  Only place I have ever bought a plant that had a health warning.
                  Probably a bit late to be sowing chiili seeds now tho especially as Tarragon does not have a gh..
                  I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                  ...utterly nutterly


                  • #10
                    I dont think I have the Skill or the equipment yet to grow chillis from seed , but I bought some plugs last year , which nearly died and I saved and It kept on producing chillis until about October. I do remember initially taking the chillis outside then back inside at night.

                    I presume by May/June Chillis are ok outside ?


                    • #11
                      I grew 4 chillies outside on a north-facing balcony in 2012 - they were Chenzo and I had about 120+ chilliies per plant in the end. My balcony only gets sun early in the morning (4-5 hours max) and towards sunset (3 hours max). Somewhere nicer might well get better results.

                      I put them out when night temps were around 9/10C (they are against the building wall, so I assumed a little extra warmth) and I brought them inside in late October and the chillies matured rapidly from black to red on my windowsill. They do work fine outside in London, though I always grow mine in pots rather than in the ground. I tried a few padrons in the ground last year and they didn't fruit as well as the ones in pots.

                      I use a peat-free multi purpose compost and put the plants in large flower buckets when about 20cm high. I feed with comfrey liquid/manure tea/tomato feed once a week when they are flowering.
             - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


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