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Potatoes in compost bags


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  • Potatoes in compost bags

    I am growing some potatoes, some 1st and 2nd earlies in a mixture of potatoes bags and disused compost bags. I haven’t tried this before but due to some space restrictions will give it a go!
    Does anyone have any tips of growing potatoes using this method.
    The potatoes bags I have are fairly large with drainage holes and handles . I don’t think I need to add any drainage materials in bottom (ie crocks, stones, gravel) or would this be a good idea? The bag instructions don’t say anything about gravel or stones in bottom.
    Ref: using old compost bags I have rolled them down to about a ¼ and I will fill with about 6-10” compost mixed with potatoe fertliser… I will then add 2-3 tubers….It is a 40 litres bag – would 2 tubers be better than 3?
    I’ve made some fine slits in the side but no holes in bottom.
    Would anyone recommend holes in the bottom too? The palstic is not as strong as the material of the proper potatoe sbags hence reluctant to pierce holes in? ……
    Any ideas…….

  • #2
    Tatties like alot of water so, and I may be wrong dont put anymore holes in the bags else you are going to spend the summer watering them and watching whilst it floods out the bottom.

    I'd say 2 per bag but again I rarely know what does for everyone but know what works for me.

    I've never added drainage material to the bottom.

    Good luck...............
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


    • #3
      Not an area of expertise for me, but by coincidence I'm doing much the same thing this year myself.

      A couple of points if you have any wood charcoal from an old bonfire say mix it in, this helps to keep the soil in a large container sweet, as it absorbs stuff. I'm only part filling the bags now, then Ill gradually top them up as the potato sprouts appear above the soil level. I grow comfrey on a piece of rough bank in my garden, so when the leaves of that are a bit larger I''ll be adding some of those too.


      • #4
        Many thanks Nick and Lumpy,
        I watched a couple of videos and many put 3 tubers in a bag - 2 one the first level (i.e. on top of about 6” of compost) fill over with a couple of “ of compost and then in the middle add a 3rd tuber – I shall try this – also the tubers were placed about 6-8” apart….
        Ref drainage – I won’t bother with gravel/pebbles etc at bottom and just keep the few slits I have in the compost bag that is rolled down to about a ¼ and then once the tubers grow I will unravel the bag.
        Interesting regarding the comfrey.
        I’ve mixed my compost with potato fertiliser – it’s an interesting experiment and if it works will price lovely clean pots!! I think it works best for earlies though


        • #5
          In your compost bags 3 seed of new spuds would be OK, however I would only put 2 main crop in them due to expectation of a larger yield.

          As Lumpy says spuds need watering well and constantly, folks don't realise how much but spuds are nearly 90% water at harvest.

          Because you need to water well drainage in your containers is important, they like water but do not like to stand in it, it can cause them to rot. A good tip when you are watering is to plunge your hand into the compost to make sure it is moist all the way through.

          No matter what your compost will be free of nutrients about 5/6 weeks into growth, at this time I like to give them a high nitrogen feed, this will change to high potash as the crop starts to develop.
          Potty by name Potty by nature.

          By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

          We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

          Aesop 620BC-560BC



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