I am growing some potatoes, some 1st and 2nd earlies in a mixture of potatoes bags and disused compost bags. I haven’t tried this before but due to some space restrictions will give it a go!
Does anyone have any tips of growing potatoes using this method.
The potatoes bags I have are fairly large with drainage holes and handles . I don’t think I need to add any drainage materials in bottom (ie crocks, stones, gravel) or would this be a good idea? The bag instructions don’t say anything about gravel or stones in bottom.
Ref: using old compost bags I have rolled them down to about a ¼ and I will fill with about 6-10” compost mixed with potatoe fertliser… I will then add 2-3 tubers….It is a 40 litres bag – would 2 tubers be better than 3?
I’ve made some fine slits in the side but no holes in bottom.
Would anyone recommend holes in the bottom too? The palstic is not as strong as the material of the proper potatoe sbags hence reluctant to pierce holes in? ……
Any ideas…….
I am growing some potatoes, some 1st and 2nd earlies in a mixture of potatoes bags and disused compost bags. I haven’t tried this before but due to some space restrictions will give it a go!
Does anyone have any tips of growing potatoes using this method.
The potatoes bags I have are fairly large with drainage holes and handles . I don’t think I need to add any drainage materials in bottom (ie crocks, stones, gravel) or would this be a good idea? The bag instructions don’t say anything about gravel or stones in bottom.
Ref: using old compost bags I have rolled them down to about a ¼ and I will fill with about 6-10” compost mixed with potatoe fertliser… I will then add 2-3 tubers….It is a 40 litres bag – would 2 tubers be better than 3?
I’ve made some fine slits in the side but no holes in bottom.
Would anyone recommend holes in the bottom too? The palstic is not as strong as the material of the proper potatoe sbags hence reluctant to pierce holes in? ……
Any ideas…….