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Second-hand items re-purposed in the garden.


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  • #31
    I had some old tent poles so used them for making a walk in brassica cage at the weekend - its a bit of a beast! And was a nightmare to net!

    Cant seem to upload a pic at the mo.


    • #32
      Resized it..

      Click image for larger version

Name:	rsz_2brassica_cage (1).jpg
Views:	1
Size:	144.0 KB
ID:	2377444


      • #33
        Originally posted by Growerwith2girls View Post
        I had some old tent poles so used them for making a walk in brassica cage at the weekend - its a bit of a beast! And was a nightmare to net!

        Cant seem to upload a pic at the mo.
        Going to re-net my blow-away as a fruit cage/


        • #34
          Originally posted by nickdub View Post
          I'd be a nightmare employee if I worked at the recycling center...
          I'd be the same.
          Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
          By singing-'Oh how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade,
          While better men than we go out and start their working lives
          At grubbing weeds from gravel paths with broken dinner-knives. ~ Rudyard Kipling


          • #35
            Originally posted by mrbadexample View Post
            I'd be the same.
            Me 3!

            (I'm under orders to return with less things than I take...)


            • #36
              I nearly break down in tears every time I pass the cardboard container at the local dump... waaaaaah! They're under strict orders to neither take anything nor allow others to take it... and there's CCTV. Bah.


              • #37
                Originally posted by 1Bee View Post
                I nearly break down in tears every time I pass the cardboard container at the local dump... waaaaaah! They're under strict orders to neither take anything nor allow others to take it... and there's CCTV. Bah.
                You can, and I have, bargain with people bringing stuff in to have for yourself, as long as you get it before it goes in the official containers. Obviously lingering deliberately in a busy spot is rightly frowned on by the staff, so I do take in a few token bits, like very rusted metal and broken glass, to have a legitimate reason for being there.


                • #38
                  I finally loaded the trailer and took my extensive scrap metal collection to be weighed last saturday morning. Been collecting about 2 years. I'd broken it down a bit and sorted the key elements. Stainless Oven, Dish washer, Washing Machine, Engine from a Fabia, car battery, bags of nails from pallets, a bag of cables and all the other metal I could find.

                  Took a couple of hours to sort and load and about 20 minuits to weigh it off.

                  �86 better off for not giving it to the dustman. Including all the hours dismantling and the time loading and sorting my hourly rate is about �0.14p or something silly. I have gained some components and fixings that add to the useful boxes in the garage when something breaks, I can often find a replacement to fix it.

                  After that I started making the bench for the allotments. We are having a dedicated put and take table for spare plants or excess produce. Yes it will be made from two pallets.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by nickdub View Post
                    I'm hoping you're still alive, but I suppose being buried in the veg plot would count :-)
                    I wouldn�t mind being put on the compost heap when the time comes. I suppose they�d better cremate me first though.


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