Last year I decided to turn a large square area of gravel into a potager garden, which is a trype of formal kitchen garden I originally saw in the botanic gardens in Glasgow.

For some reason I can't seem to get this photo the correct way round..

Unfortunately I wasn't quite able to finish it last year as I ran out of box plants, so yesterday I went to Morrisons and managed to find 3 plants which was lucky as that's all I needed! I planted them today so now my potager is nearly complete.

The quality of the box plants have been variable so some only needed a light prune wheras others needed pretty drastic hacking. I've read that they're able to cope with this treatment as they can regrow from bare wood. Some of the plants look nearly dead but I'm hopeful they'll put on the growth spurt when/if the weather warms up. Then I'll be able to prune them so they're all the same height.
One of my next jobs is to buy framed willow fnecing to replace the bamboo screening that's falling apart. I also have a very cheap arch I bought a couple of years ago but never got around to setting it up. I hope to have that over one of the entraces to the potager and then grow something interesting up it like squash. I also have cobble stones which I think could be placed in the middle of the potager which would be ideal for a small bistro set.
I'll aim to update this thread with my progress
For some reason I can't seem to get this photo the correct way round..
Unfortunately I wasn't quite able to finish it last year as I ran out of box plants, so yesterday I went to Morrisons and managed to find 3 plants which was lucky as that's all I needed! I planted them today so now my potager is nearly complete.
The quality of the box plants have been variable so some only needed a light prune wheras others needed pretty drastic hacking. I've read that they're able to cope with this treatment as they can regrow from bare wood. Some of the plants look nearly dead but I'm hopeful they'll put on the growth spurt when/if the weather warms up. Then I'll be able to prune them so they're all the same height.
One of my next jobs is to buy framed willow fnecing to replace the bamboo screening that's falling apart. I also have a very cheap arch I bought a couple of years ago but never got around to setting it up. I hope to have that over one of the entraces to the potager and then grow something interesting up it like squash. I also have cobble stones which I think could be placed in the middle of the potager which would be ideal for a small bistro set.
I'll aim to update this thread with my progress
