Hi, Has anyone else had problems with their broad bean plants going black and dying this year?
Each year I grow B.B. Sutton�s in pots and plant them out in the greenhouse for an early crop. Never had any problems before. Fresh seed, plants about 50mm tall and lush green. Very healthy plants watered in and spaced well apart. A few started to droop and go black and died within about a week. Now after 3 weeks virtually 40 plants now dead or dying.
I am sure it isn�t frost that is killing them. Fungus perhaps? Anyone know please? I am pulling the last few out and burning them, then a good dose of ***** fluid.
I would be interested if anyone else has the same problem though. Also what the cause is. � have attached some photos in case it helps
Each year I grow B.B. Sutton�s in pots and plant them out in the greenhouse for an early crop. Never had any problems before. Fresh seed, plants about 50mm tall and lush green. Very healthy plants watered in and spaced well apart. A few started to droop and go black and died within about a week. Now after 3 weeks virtually 40 plants now dead or dying.
I am sure it isn�t frost that is killing them. Fungus perhaps? Anyone know please? I am pulling the last few out and burning them, then a good dose of ***** fluid.
I would be interested if anyone else has the same problem though. Also what the cause is. � have attached some photos in case it helps