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Lime tree help ...


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  • Lime tree help ...

    I ordered from the GYO magazine the lime tree which was the offer of the month.
    When it arrived I potted up, but I�ve just noticed the growing point at the top of the tree is missing ... so new new growth has happened.
    The tree seems healthy but I don�t know what to do to get new growth ???
    Should I pinch the top off completely??? Any ideas please ...

  • #2
    It sounds like it�s been pruned & ok,some trees are topped like that to encourage side growth,there�s pruning info on here -
    In February, reshape plants by thinning out overcrowded branches. �Leggy� plants can be pruned back by up to two-thirds and the tallest branch can be cut back to encourage bushy growth.
    Throughout the summer, pinch back the tips of the most vigorous growth, using the thumb and forefinger.
    Mature plants may produce unwanted, fast-growing shoots called �water shoots�. Remove these when they appear from the main branches at the bottom or middle of the plant and shorten those arising near the branch tips. Be especially watchful for shoots from below the graft on the main stem, and remove such shoots immediately.
    Location : Essex


    • #3
      I wouldn't worry - as along as it starts growing again it will make its own new leader. Just looks after the roots and decide if you want to do any shaping to the tree by pruning or whatever.

      Be aware that depending on the type, these trees can get BIG - a rough guide is to plant it far enough away from the things you don't want it to shade at its mature height . So if that height was say 50', the tree should be planted that distance from the house as a minimum, unless you wanted shade.


      • #4
        I "think" Betty is talking about a citrus lime - not a lime tree.
        A 50' citrus lime would be quite something in this country.

        'Course, I could be mistaken!!


        • #5
          OK, right - missed the mark there then :-)


          • #6
            Hi and yes your right its a citrus lime tree( you can see Im a novice) its only about 14" tall and the tip is missing ..... so I was worried it wouldn't grow upwards ?
            My daughter ordered one as well and hers has tiny new leaves coming out if the tip fresh new growth.


            • #7
              Do they not prune out leader to encourage side shoots and to create the open goblet shape. I'm thinking about apples.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Betty123 View Post
                Hi and yes your right its a citrus lime tree( you can see Im a novice) its only about 14" tall and the tip is missing ..... so I was worried it wouldn't grow upwards ?
                My daughter ordered one as well and hers has tiny new leaves coming out if the tip fresh new growth.
                no problem - always best to ask if you're not sure.

                Any tree will have a leader (topmost growing part). If this leader gets broken or cut off the tree will start a bud below the top growing and that, if left, will take over as a new leader in time.

                I'd just leave it alone for now and have a think where you want it to grow on. The biggest issue with any sort of citrus in the UK is getting through the cold months of winter. Some people grow them on in containers so that they can put them out in the Summer, but bring them back inside in the Winter.


                • #9
                  Thanks for your advice, Ill leave it alone and let nature do its magic! Im going to grow in a pot for a few years as its so small at the mo that way I can put in the Greenhouse over the winder months.


                  • #10
                    You're very welcome - hope it goes well for you.

                    BTW you may find the greenhouse gets too cold if we have a v frosty snap, so keep an eye on the Winter weather and plan on bringing the little lime in for a few nights if necessary.


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