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Leaves turning yellow on young potato plants...


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  • Leaves turning yellow on young potato plants...

    Hi all...

    Looking for help from the more knowledgable... Again!

    I have planted some first earlies (Arran Pilot and Rocket) and some Maris Pipers on my allotment. I have grown potatoes in pots for a while now and have never seen this before. The plants are all growing well but the the other day I noticed that a few of the leaves on one or two of the earlies were yellow at the tips. Today I went back and this is what I found, it seems to be spreading onto other leaves and the edges are sort of a translucent brown...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC_0119.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	95.4 KB
ID:	2406225

    I did a google search and one of the pages I found was this:

    What Does it Mean When Potato Plants Turn Yellow? | Home Guides | SF Gate

    Should I be concerned? Other than this the plants look very healthy and are growing rapidly.

    I have found a few old spuds in the ground from last year I assume. This was before I took it over but I know they had blight on the allotment. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing exactly where potatoes have been grown so cant really rotate.

    For info: The ground is clay like, I had dug in some well rotted manure and some commercial compost. I haven't really put anything else in, should I at this stage if so what? Could it be a deficiency? Or am I going to have to start culling plants!?

  • #2
    Hi nooby
    Theres a thread running here but dont think your looks such a clear deficency / lock up type issue
    Are there brown dots on the leaves or is that dirt ?


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply... I did see that thread but I didn't want to hijack it as mine looks different. Thats just dirt. No brown dots. Should I pull these up? As a cautionary measure?


      • #4
        If thats dirt so no brown spots then Im not convinced its blight. You could remove them if only a odd one or two. I put one Ill looking tomato plant away from the others and it never recovered with feeding so removed it now but easy to isolate a pot
        Thread below may help.


        • #5
          I'd be inclined just to monitor how your plants go for now - I don't think what you have so far is conclusive evidence that anything much is wrong - obviously if the plants get worse ie more new leaves come out a funny colour, then post again please.


          • #6
            Ok, now thats worrying. When you said brown spots I thought you meant spots as in circular leopard type spots. As I mentioned in my first post, when I went back today there is a definate translucent light tan patch on the tip of the leaf, you can just see it in my photo.

            I read on here somewhere that it is unlikely Blight would over winter? Can it be a problem so early? Sorry for the noob questions...

            I am at odds on what to do really.


            • #7
              Originally posted by nickdub View Post
              I'd be inclined just to monitor how your plants go for now - I don't think what you have so far is conclusive evidence that anything much is wrong - obviously if the plants get worse ie more new leaves come out a funny colour, then post again please.
              Thanks for that.


              • #8
                You're very welcome - sometimes young plants get a bit out of whack when the roots can't quite cope with supplying what the leaves want or whatever - usually they correct themselves - impossible to be sure of course, but that's what your photo looks like to me .

                Happy gardening :-)


                • #9
                  If you have some floating about you could feed them miracle grow + epsom salts (no magnesium in MG) and see if improve like I did the tomato and tend to do to anything sick looking as a last chance saloon


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