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Sowing brassica seeds


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  • Sowing brassica seeds

    I usualy sow seeds in pots or modules,before planting out,i have a patch that is rock hard underneith with a little dust like tilth on top,i am thinking of sowing direct,several seeds then thin to 1 per station,
    NO1 will the expected roots be able to penetrate the ground,as it gets wet after a few weeks,
    NO2 is there any reason why they have to be transplanted,
    I have some bits of down comer to put around each station sowing,just until they are strong enough,plus i know where they are until they come though and be seen,i thought this would save me time and work,anyone done this,i am mostly worried that the roots might get restricted under the ground,thank all
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these

  • #2
    If I'm sowing direct in rows (rarely) I scratch a drill with a stick and water that. Then plant the seeds.
    You could thin them out if too many come up or just chop their heads off!


    • #3
      Some brassicas like their tap root disturbed & like being transplanted for a better root system like cabbage & Brussels sprouts but if they’re roots like turnips & radish they’re best sown direct. There’s an old thread here -

      Edit - no1 - weeds don’t have a problem
      Last edited by Jungle Jane; 24-06-2018, 12:35 PM.
      Location : Essex


      • #4
        No reason not to sow direct in the ground this time of year - used to be standard practice in the old days. Water the drills where you are sowing thoroughly BEFORE you put the seeds in. If you are growing Brussels sprouts, cabbages etc and want the roots to spread, then dig the seedlings up when they are about 6" high and replant in their final positions.


        • #5
          Thakyou all,i will sow in a pot and transplant as usual then,it's january king,savoy best of all,romanesco,calabrese green magic,broccoli white star,kale nero di toscana,the swede i will sow direct,maybe by the time the others are ready,the ground will have soften up,could be a good idea to make a small hole and keep watering,or see if i can get pots to stand up ,and water into them,thanks again all,off to plant seeds ,what comes good will be a bonus ,thanks again.
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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