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bugs burrowed into turnips


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  • bugs burrowed into turnips


    I have harvested my first ever turnips (tokyo cross) and found that some of them have tiny little bugs which appear to have burrowed through the leaf stems into the turnip itself. They look a bit like very small woodlouse. They have been in the fridge a few days and have died inside the turnip

    Has anyone had this problem? Is it the end of my turnip crop?



  • #2
    I don't grow turnips but plenty of what I do grow is nibbled by all and sundry pests. As they are brassicas it could be flea beetle. If you look up turnip pests in google or post a picture here and someone else may recognise them. If they were more like maggots, they would be cabbage root fly - which generally attacks from below and often kills the plant.

    If they have not done too much damage, you should be able to cut it out and eat the rest. Hopefully, they will not damage the rest of the crop too much and leave you a bit. You can get pesticides that work for some pests but not sure what is available these days. Myself, this year I've been sharing sweetcorn with mice, lettuce, peppers with and potatoes with slugs and plum and nectarines with wasps. The blackbirds liked the red currants and took all the gooseberries.


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