Am enjoying thinking ahead to what I should grow over winter / next year. I grow mostly in raised beds that we built and filled with top soil, but I have one wee area that I struggle to know what to put in. It�s not raised and is at the side of the house so gets little sun. Maybe a couple of hours in summer. It is also the worst area of the garden for slugs and snails. The soil is also less good as it didn�t get topsoil although I did add some mushroom compost earlier this year. I originally tried herbs because it is near the kitchen but they struggled and even the bay tree get chewed. This year I put a rhubarb there and it�s done pretty well but I still have space. It�s not a big area but I hate to see areas not being filled. Any ideas what I could grow that could cope with less sun and that the slugs/snails wouldn�t target?
No announcement yet.
What to grow in tricky spot
Slugs don't seem to bother or cause as much harm to alliums for me..
So what about some garlic or elephant garlic??I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
I have raspberries and tayberries growing under heavy shading from a wall and tree branches, they are in bottomless buckets, filled with used compost and soil.It is shady for most of the day except for early evening time. I get a decent amount of fruit considering it's not in full sun, not a huge crop but enough considering the growing conditions.
As you have a rhubarb there then maybe another but how much rhubarb do you want/need?
I would suggest that you add a couple of bags of manure not compost, the rhubarb will be grateful for it as it seems to munch it's way through the stuff.
Try a black currant and a red currant. I say "a" as they are easy to take a small cutting off and get it to root. If you bought one of each then take 2 cutting off each I would say at least one cutting would take and you then have 2 of each.
Suppose the other fruit would be a gooseberry or two.
So that is my input.
O'd recommend at least 1 gooseberry, if you like them - as others have said they would probably be the best bet for a reliable crop in the sort of place you describe. You can train them as double or triple cordons if you don't want them to take up too much room.
I have the same, a shady side return, which I don�t much water. Thriving: bamboo, Jap Anemone, hardy geranium, passiflora (the top�s in the sun)
Red currant grows well and fruits, but gets smothered in scale insect.
Gooseberry has done surprisingly well, I got a litre of them this year, from a 2ft x 2ft plantAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
I planted a rosemary sapling just outside my kitchen door that gets no direct sun at all & in quite poor soil. I've added nothing to the soil & apart from watering it in 3 years ago, have given it no water at all, even during this years prolonged heatwave & it's my strongest rosemary plant by far in my entire garden.
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