I have two crown prince squashes growing in my raised bed, and so far have two large squashes and a couple of tiny ones still growing. About two weeks ago the leaves on one plant started getting brown/yellow spots on them and turning quite crispy looking with curled edges. I've tried to find out through Google and some of my veg growing books, but I can't seem to find what might be wrong?
To my untrained eye it doesn't look like blight or rust, and I'm thinking if it was a mildew type thing or insects then it would spread to both as they're so close together? The only thing it looks remotely like is "angular leaf spot", but that sounds like something that would spread to both as well?
Can anyone identify what might be causing this? Also, is there any danger to the fruit that's already grown, and will it transfer over to the healthy squash which doesn't have the problem, but is intertwined with the poorly one?
Thanks all, photos attached
To my untrained eye it doesn't look like blight or rust, and I'm thinking if it was a mildew type thing or insects then it would spread to both as they're so close together? The only thing it looks remotely like is "angular leaf spot", but that sounds like something that would spread to both as well?
Can anyone identify what might be causing this? Also, is there any danger to the fruit that's already grown, and will it transfer over to the healthy squash which doesn't have the problem, but is intertwined with the poorly one?
Thanks all, photos attached