OK- still waiting for a bee section- so I'll ask it here.....
I'm looking for a specific type of honey....and then having Googled a fair few places I noticed that several beekeepers offer different types of honey.
Can you beekeepers please explain how if you have several hives- and say 'this honey is from wildflowers' 'this honey is from Borage' 'this honey is from heather' etc etc.....
Do you actually have to follow the bees?- or is it a percentage of pollen from one particular site????
signed...'utterly confused from Normandy'
I'm looking for a specific type of honey....and then having Googled a fair few places I noticed that several beekeepers offer different types of honey.
Can you beekeepers please explain how if you have several hives- and say 'this honey is from wildflowers' 'this honey is from Borage' 'this honey is from heather' etc etc.....
Do you actually have to follow the bees?- or is it a percentage of pollen from one particular site????
signed...'utterly confused from Normandy'
