HELP!! For the past few days i've noticed one or two bees resting on the brickwork outside my front door. Also on the white wooden door. I surmised that they must be in the warmth enjoying the sunshine and attracted by the big butterfly bush at the side of my house...
Unfortunately this morning, My husband squealed like a girl and ran inside the house telling me to open the curtains. No less than 40 bees are covering my front door and he is terrified they are going to set up a hive!
I've been out and they seem very placid, they dont move a lot when I open the door and let me walk in and out. But why are they there? And so many?
Please give me your opinion as Iv stopped hubby going outside with a can of raid and blasting the poor wee mites. At least if I can show him your answers, he might not kill them.
Oh and OR THE RECORD, he has asked me to state he did NOT squeal like a little girl.... he is correct..... it was more like my granny!
Unfortunately this morning, My husband squealed like a girl and ran inside the house telling me to open the curtains. No less than 40 bees are covering my front door and he is terrified they are going to set up a hive!
I've been out and they seem very placid, they dont move a lot when I open the door and let me walk in and out. But why are they there? And so many?
Please give me your opinion as Iv stopped hubby going outside with a can of raid and blasting the poor wee mites. At least if I can show him your answers, he might not kill them.
Oh and OR THE RECORD, he has asked me to state he did NOT squeal like a little girl.... he is correct..... it was more like my granny!
