I spotted this on BBC breakfast telly this morn as I were getting ready for work.
I always wonder at this stuff, extinct species are normally extinct for a reason an largely that reason is that their habitat has been destroyed or there is not enough o it to sustain them as a species.
I do think that this particular case is a good thing, but I also wonder what has changed in the last 20 years that is good enough to support this species :/. Have our attitudes towards wildlife evolved enough to make this re-colonisation a success? Is it not akin to trying to re-colonise wolves in scotland?.
Are we respectful enough o our surroundings now to not just kill them all off again because that would be a pointless waste o time. Some o my thoughts just so we can chat about it.
Here is a link for you.
Extinct bee species returns to UK | Meridian - ITV News
I always wonder at this stuff, extinct species are normally extinct for a reason an largely that reason is that their habitat has been destroyed or there is not enough o it to sustain them as a species.
I do think that this particular case is a good thing, but I also wonder what has changed in the last 20 years that is good enough to support this species :/. Have our attitudes towards wildlife evolved enough to make this re-colonisation a success? Is it not akin to trying to re-colonise wolves in scotland?.
Are we respectful enough o our surroundings now to not just kill them all off again because that would be a pointless waste o time. Some o my thoughts just so we can chat about it.
Here is a link for you.
Extinct bee species returns to UK | Meridian - ITV News