Our neighbour (France, near Loire Valley) informs us that an Asian hornet (frelon Asiatique) nest has been found in poplars a few hundred metres from our hives. Of course at this time of year I imagine they have all flown the nest and the new queens are already hibernating having got mated in the autumn.
The question is, if anybody has already experienced these creatures, what precautions do we need to take before next spring and summer? We have around a dozen hives and short of shutting the entrances down to a single bee space, I don't see what we can do. As they get very hot in the summer we usually have them with a wide entrance to keep them ventilated.
The question is, if anybody has already experienced these creatures, what precautions do we need to take before next spring and summer? We have around a dozen hives and short of shutting the entrances down to a single bee space, I don't see what we can do. As they get very hot in the summer we usually have them with a wide entrance to keep them ventilated.