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What happens when the Queen bee is removed?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by john9159 View Post
    The last time he was seen at the allotments he said "I'm taking the queen bee to a friend". No-one had any inclination what this would mean to the hives/remaining bee population.
    As I manage the allotment site single handedly (even though we have some 30 members) I would have little time to manage bee hives as an additional chore; I don't get paid for what I do any ways.
    On of the City Council rules (for it is they who own the land which we rent and grow on) stipulates that produce from the site may not be sold for personal gain. Produce may be sold on site, say as part of an open day for example, but the proceeds must be held by the Society.
    Of course this becomes a dilemma as why otherwise would an individual go to great expense to buy hives and other equipment were it not for profit.
    City Council rules are often outdated as these particular rules go back to c.1926.
    Do you think he's actually made a profit once the cost of his hives and other equipment have been taken into account? The idea of 'proceeds' having to go to the group is a contentious one. Whilst a packet of seeds costs a couple of quid, a hive set up costs hundreds of ��.

    That's almost irrelevant to your actual concern about the queen bee. He may have taken one the bees have made to a friend.
    A good beekeeper wants to keep their hives queen+ as that's how they continue to thrive.

    There's nothing in the current laws that state allotment produce sales money have to go to the site.
    There's an article here that suggests it's ok.

    If he's breaking the rules for your site then you have to decide whether your site's rules supercede the laws of the land. They don't btw. However they might be grounds for you asking them to leave.


    • #17
      I don't keep bees so this is simply what I have read/seen/heard.
      I believe that the workers will start to feed some of the remaining pupae differently so they develop into queens - royal jelly ???
      The first to come out of it's cell will kill the others off while they are in their cells.
      If 2 emerge they fight until there is just one.

      Still suggest that you contact a local bee keeper or society.
      They will have the equipment to visit and see what the state is inside the hive and offer advice.


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