Hope someone can advise- I have a honey bee nest in the pine end of the roof, its been there most of the summer.No problems caused as its at the rear of my property and the bees are to-ing and fro-ing without causing any bother to either twolegged or fourlegged occupants here
They have enjoyed the garden and seem a peaceable bunch, just doing what bees do best pollinating away to their hearts content
Now as it would have needed the tiles removing to relocate the Bees, a job i felt to much to undertake it was decided to leave well alone until they finished their season. So the question is, will they overwinter there if left undisburbed or naturally move or die off. As i need to get the roof looked at before winter sets in and the gap will no longer be there in the future. Naturally i vehemently do not want the bees harmed or blocked in
Any advice appreciated

They have enjoyed the garden and seem a peaceable bunch, just doing what bees do best pollinating away to their hearts content
Now as it would have needed the tiles removing to relocate the Bees, a job i felt to much to undertake it was decided to leave well alone until they finished their season. So the question is, will they overwinter there if left undisburbed or naturally move or die off. As i need to get the roof looked at before winter sets in and the gap will no longer be there in the future. Naturally i vehemently do not want the bees harmed or blocked in

Any advice appreciated
