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  • Nesting

    I have a lot of birds around our house, I think possibly a lot of house sparrows a few dunnocks. I would like to feed them but backdoor is paved, I did have a seed tray on the corner but it keeps falling now, not sure if it’s cats or too many birds at the one time as it was fine for a few weeks. Any tips? Behind the bars is a slope so the feeding stations would be too short.
    Also I think they’re possibly nesting on top of my hedge can anyone confirm? Feel like it’s a bit exposed. Have attached poor quality pictures but is the best I can get at the moment. First picture I’d where they spend most of their time and the other two are the 2 little birds jumping in and out of whatever they’re doing, currently on lookout on neighbours fence.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by MissPea; 15-04-2020, 02:56 PM. Reason: Location explanations

  • #2
    House Sparrows sat on the fence, at this time of year I don't feed the birds, one of the biggest problems can be some of the items are fed to young in the nest and the babies can choke. Bread should not be fed, it's too dry and has no nutrients for the birds, peanuts should only be fed if in a feeder where the birds cannot remove large pieces of the nuts. From now until the end of August I let the birds just get on with it. Fat balls or something similar might be ok as there's no large items in them usually.


    • #3
      We usually have house sparrows nesting in the soffit by the guttering,they only need a tiny gap. They find out on their own if it is a bad place to nest & move there�s not much we can do. The Collared dove here made a nest in our ceanothus about a month ago,she was sitting in the nest every day but our cat could walk right to the nest & sniff in it(about 12ft high) she kept flying away whenever our cat came along,one egg was broken on the patio but there must�ve been one she was sitting on,for about two weeks this went on,she�s moved to the nesting spot she was born in now (on an old satellite type of dish under the soffit) I worried a one year old was a bit young but apparently that�s the age they�re mature. So they know where�s safe by watching from the nest.
      You could have a feeder hanging over the paved back garden (or door ) robins & blackbirds like ground feeding bits that fall it�s up to you.
      Location : Essex


      • #4
        That’s great thanks to both I think they used to nest in my neighbours loft but they had the house resurfaced (is that what it’s called?) so must have blocked it in amongst the process, as they just fly from bush to bush eating my dropped sunflower seeds all over my decking, seem to be happy. I’ll hold back on the feeding for a bit just now then, don’t want any dead baby birds, Id like to encourage them to nest.
        Another question to anyone who’ll answer lol, I have a plastic shed ( came with the house) is there a way to attach a bird house to these? Has anyone successfully done so?


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