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  • Confused

    So this is a random one might be really daft, but I found an egg in amongst my black bags of leaf mould and dried evergreen leaves. Still all bagged up but ripped opened assuming by wildlife... I found an egg, I definitely didn�t put eggs in my compost heap which is in the next bay, just incase it attract rats. Has something hidden this here? I thought it was a potato and picked it up at first

  • #2
    Probably a fox has stashed it intending to come back. They are likely to have young round about now so will go for birds and nests.


    • #3
      Yes, the foxes bury eggs in any soft soil/compost piles here, quite strange when you find them


      • #4
        One of my colleagues found a whole leg of lamb once!

        I used peanuts to get foxes close for photos. Peanut plants then appeared in various pots.
        Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


        • #5
          I take it this a hard shelled egg like a chickens? further south from you, Grass Snakes often lay eggs in compost, but their eggs are soft and leathery.


          • #6
            The ones on my plot, are hen's eggs, I think from the garden that backs onto the allotments near my plot. Did find a pretty blueish one once, also about hen's egg size, though


            • #7
              When the fox got my ducks many moons ago my neighbours got a few shocks one had a large wing, one had an egg in a pot and I dug up a couple of eggs ages later in the veg patch. I hate that they just kill everything and stash it but it is quite funny where they stash these things.


              • #8
                Yeah @Burnie it was a hard shelled egg, must be from a garden nearby, as no chickens aloud on our plot sadly �� maybe this is partly why.


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