oooh, vole, swinging back to voles but what about the colour?
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Ginger mice?
They sound like the field mice we had at out old house. They actually got quite tame. Harvest mice are small but very much more common than reported. You aren't supposed to see them much up here - I've only seen them once. However, a farmer friend collects owl droppings from under a tree on his farm and sends them off for analysis. There's always masses of harvest mice in there. (Maybe that's why we don't see them - the owls eat 'em!)Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Just had a bl@@dy field mouse run across my foot, under the desk...!!! Aaaaaagh!!!Not scared of them per se, but that furreaked me out!!
Cat must have brought it in to 'play with' and lost it
It's disappeared under the big TV cupboard in the corner now...
Bet that made you jump!
I can't leave it alone if I know if mine have bought a mouse in - I know that they'll catch it again eventually but worry about the damage they may cause in the meantime.
The number of evenings that I've been just ready to go up to bed then have to turn half the bloody house upsidedown and do my best Gordon Banks impression are without number!
Cats + Mouse loose in house =
If you have a soft slipper, corner said mouse and pop slipper over WILL run to dark end of slipper. Squish slipper so he cant get out, take for a long walk, I take a piece of broken biscuit for mouse when released! daft I know.
Slipper trick seems to work for me and those I have 'trained' in the art of!
Happy hunting!
If the cat lets 'em loose in the kitchen or dining room, I have no problem getting them back out - nowhere to hide, but in the living-roomThere's tons of flippin hiding places in here, & probably loads to live off with my minging kids dropping biscuits etc down the back of the sofa.... I'm trying not to think about it, until I can do something about it!
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