I have a problem with my cat - he's a very loving 3 year old tom. And at the moment he thinks he's died and gone to heaven - we've just moved from a house in the middle of a built up estate (with a postage stamp of a garden!) to a lovely rural area in an 'estate' (road actually) of 30 odd houses surrounded by fields and trees (heaven for me as well!)..............but................he keeps bringing me 'presents' - so far, 2 mice, 2 shrews and today I found 2 chicks (very young) on my back doorstep
I know he's only doing what comes naturally to him but I don't want him to decimate the local wildlife population and would appreciate any advice you could give on how to stop his slaughter?
He's got a loud bell on which the birds hear - but how do I stop him raiding the nests?
I feel absolutely gutted, esp with the chicks this morning. I've been watching a wren make her nest in the tree by my back door and it's been such a pleasure - I only hope that it's not her chicks that my cat has killed
I have a problem with my cat - he's a very loving 3 year old tom. And at the moment he thinks he's died and gone to heaven - we've just moved from a house in the middle of a built up estate (with a postage stamp of a garden!) to a lovely rural area in an 'estate' (road actually) of 30 odd houses surrounded by fields and trees (heaven for me as well!)..............but................he keeps bringing me 'presents' - so far, 2 mice, 2 shrews and today I found 2 chicks (very young) on my back doorstep

I know he's only doing what comes naturally to him but I don't want him to decimate the local wildlife population and would appreciate any advice you could give on how to stop his slaughter?
He's got a loud bell on which the birds hear - but how do I stop him raiding the nests?
I feel absolutely gutted, esp with the chicks this morning. I've been watching a wren make her nest in the tree by my back door and it's been such a pleasure - I only hope that it's not her chicks that my cat has killed
