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  • Cuckoo!

    This evening, after it stopped raining, I heard a cuckoo calling from somewhere above the vineyard. I walked up and tiptoed around the verge of a little ash coppice and there he was - sitting on a furze bush with his back to me. I often see cuckoos around here, but this sighting was special: as he called - and he kept at it for a couple of minutes - he wagged his tail! Just like a dog, from side to side! I've never seen any kind of bird wag its tail like that before - up and down, yes; but never side to side. It looked quite absurd, for some reason. Has anybody else ever seen this sort of thing?

  • #2
    also heard one tonight whilst watering lottie,didnt see it though.last year one spent all afternoon calling & doing circles around the whole allotment area.pointed it out to kiddies but i think they didnt quite grasp the same excitement as me.Had to stop truck down country lane 1 day while cuckoo sat in road staring at me 4 several mins,that was my 1st close up so very excited!
    the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

    Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


    • #3
      Lucky you - I've never seen a cuckoo. Hardly ever hear one these days, either.
      In May 1997, I sat up all night watching the General Election results, then went for a walk at dawn - and heard the first cuckoo of the year. I thought then it was an omen....


      • #4
        Heard one in our village for the first time since living there 14 years now!
        When kiddie, back in Essex we would hear them every spring!


        • #5
          I've never heard one.......but for a moment the other week I thought I did, only to realise after several minutes it was my nextdoor but one neighbour calling her new puppy, really sounded like a Cuckoo noise to me!!!
          Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
          Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

          Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


          • #6
            Lucky you - this has been the second year we have had no cuckoos.


            • #7
              In 1968 (yes, another world) I spent the summer on the Isle of Mull.
              A cuckoo sat on the telephone wire above the house and co -cood all day long.
              I was enchanted for the first 10 minutes. By the end of singing season I could have throttled that bird.
              They are just lovely in the distance. Close up they are very loud and very annoying.
              Cuckoo - Cuckoo - Cuckoo - Cuckoo Keep going for another 10 hours.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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