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Bee hive foundation - advise please


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  • Bee hive foundation - advise please

    Well, I mentioned before about our hive (which is "with swarm"). That's a borrowed hive from a local keeper, but clearly we want to be self sufficient. So after discussions and a visit to a hive maker 2 miles away (perfect!), I'm going to buy a national standard and site it by our current hive and populate with either my own swarm or more likely a �nucleus. (early b'day pressie from OH).

    I'm buying flat pack. Which means inserting foundation into the newly assembled brood frames to start with. Does anyone have advice on foundation: foundation with which grade wire, deep or shallow foundation, drone/super drone foundation etc?

    Despite reading and reading, I can't glean which is the best for the brood box itself. (The new frames will come wireless, so I intend to buy wired fondation to start with I guess).

    Thanks all in advance
    Last edited by Plot17B; 24-05-2008, 05:45 PM. Reason: spelling mistake!
    "You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think" - Dorothy Parker

  • #2
    For the frames in the brood chamber of a National hive, you will need British Standard deep wired worker foundation.


    • #3
      just assembled my hive today from thornes, but havent built the frames yet might get round to it tomorrow.

      Unfortunately I havent got any bees yet and as I only just joined the local group it looks like it will be next year as the supplier I found said he is fully booked for this years nuces.
      Cheers Chris

      Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


      • #4
        Originally posted by fiveravens View Post
        For the frames in the brood chamber of a National hive, you will need British Standard deep wired worker foundation.
        Ahh, thanks. Kinda makes sense, but I was slightly baffled by the options. (If I don't ask......) I'm going to get that added to the (not yet despatched) order I've got in with a supplier.

        Crichmond - are there no swarms going around you? I'm getting the word out should a swarm appear, but i know we are half way through the season and there is a waitlist round here. I've not started checking for nucleus availability yet.....couple of suppliers in Glos which is 50 mins drive away. We'll see, but �lots for their nuc's.
        "You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think" - Dorothy Parker


        • #5
          Hey folks- wow you are going great guns! a lot has happened here in a week!!! and it's all great news!
          They say this year is a bad year for swarms....not really many about, down to the weather I guess and hope it's not to disease as this will affect kept and wild bees alike!

          Is there a council bee 'catcher' in your area? they might help you with a swarm.
          I got my swarm this way and all for two bars of galaxy! (as a gift for his troubles) they were free!!

          Yes go for wired, brood frames! you will need to build them. just need a small hammer and a glass or mug of something nice, good music or maybe a play on the radio and enjoy!
          Last edited by Headfry; 27-05-2008, 11:38 AM.


          • #6
            Yes making fast progress indeedy! I'm just waiting for the phone call to go and collect my flatpack National Standard. And gone for glass "glass quilt" which made the maker very happy! (Don't think he is keen on the perspex - he thinks the bees stick to it and it does yellow over time)
            As for swarms, I've got myself on one of the local waitlists and was going to add a request on Freecycle! So many people read it locally, that maybe...just maybe.....someone will track me down when a big buzzy swarm lands in their garden.

            But top idea about the council bee control department. Inspired suggestion Headfry. Inspired!

            I'll post a piccie of my very own hive when I've built it!
            P17B :-)
            Last edited by Plot17B; 27-05-2008, 05:43 PM. Reason: typo yet again
            "You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think" - Dorothy Parker


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