On my way to the dentist this morning, on a packed Piccadilly line tube train, standing room only as usual, and I spot this huge moth on the overhead handrail - well, it was over an inch long! I'd just decided to try to catch it and take it off the tube when I got off at the next stop, when it took off! Oh well, I figured there was little i could do on a crowded train to try to find it
Then the two young ladies in front of me got agitated saying, "What was that" "Ughh, an insect, I hate insects - get it off me!" I spotted the moth on the trouser leg of the youngest lady, and managed to catch it in my hands (fluttery moth, oohhh it tickles!!) Anyway, much to the relief of the two ladies and the amusement of the packed underground carriage, I managed to get off the tube with moth safely ensconsed.
Unfortunately, being totally soft hearted I couldn't just let it go in the station (underground after all) I had to find a bush
. So, had to explain to the man at the ticket barrier that I couldn't get my oyster card out of my bag because i had this huge moth in my hands, and didn't want to let it go in the station, and I just had to find a tree or bush to let it go.... Luckily he was completely understanding, very kindly got sorted me out, and I headed off in search of a bush, through the shopping mall, along the subway, up the stairs and eventually found one and the moth was duly released and I hope found itself a safe haven...
May only have been a moth, but I feel unbelievably good about having rescued it!

Then the two young ladies in front of me got agitated saying, "What was that" "Ughh, an insect, I hate insects - get it off me!" I spotted the moth on the trouser leg of the youngest lady, and managed to catch it in my hands (fluttery moth, oohhh it tickles!!) Anyway, much to the relief of the two ladies and the amusement of the packed underground carriage, I managed to get off the tube with moth safely ensconsed.
Unfortunately, being totally soft hearted I couldn't just let it go in the station (underground after all) I had to find a bush

May only have been a moth, but I feel unbelievably good about having rescued it!