Three years ago I was given permission to grow veg and flowers on a piece of wasteland outside our back gate. The chap from the Parks depart at the town hall came to see the land, and stated that as far as he was concerned, I could do what I liked with it. It is public land, but no through access, and at that time, so overgrown that the grass mowers refused to cut it because it contravined health and safety policies.
He warned me that I might have trouble with vandals, and I took this on board. Over the years, I have had no trouble or young people on the estate visiting the place, which I have to say(the hippy that I am!) is a bit sad. This is because it is a lovely place to visit and sit. I have put a seat there and an arch where, vines and honeysuckle grow.
This year, I have the usual stuff growing in raised beds, runners, peas, tomatoes etc. I also made two flower beds which have been blooming very well. Over three years has seen a return of wildlife in this patch. Dragonflies, blue butterflies, fieldmice, squirrels, and a vast assortment of very pretty birds and nests.
Yesterday, when I returned from work, the grass cutters had mowed down the flower beds, the high Jerusalem artichokes, and the lavendar bushes that had taken three years to establish. They minced the lavendar so no harvest from the flowers, but cut the flowers at soil level and left them strewn over the ground. I saw them just as I came in, but because the land is around the corner, had no idea what they had done. I phoned the Town hall explaining what had happened. Today, a person phoned me back and turned the whole situation around, stating I had no right to grow stuff on the land. Fortunately, I was able to give the exact date, year and person who gave me permission. But, my statement to them was, why cut down something of beauty anyway? They left the nettles at the end of the land! The person stated that he was the new boss now and the situation has changed. He will allow me to continue this year, but next year may be different. I explained that the reason I was given permission was that the grasscutters hated doing that piece of land. When I took it over it was chest high in nettles and grass...nobody wanted to get near it. Furthermore, my neighbours have enjoyed the place, also people walking along the ancient lane that runs adjacient to the land often stop and admire the view and talk to me. There has been a positive response from our community and no vandalisim ........until now......from offiicials!!! How bizzarre is that!!!
He warned me that I might have trouble with vandals, and I took this on board. Over the years, I have had no trouble or young people on the estate visiting the place, which I have to say(the hippy that I am!) is a bit sad. This is because it is a lovely place to visit and sit. I have put a seat there and an arch where, vines and honeysuckle grow.
This year, I have the usual stuff growing in raised beds, runners, peas, tomatoes etc. I also made two flower beds which have been blooming very well. Over three years has seen a return of wildlife in this patch. Dragonflies, blue butterflies, fieldmice, squirrels, and a vast assortment of very pretty birds and nests.
Yesterday, when I returned from work, the grass cutters had mowed down the flower beds, the high Jerusalem artichokes, and the lavendar bushes that had taken three years to establish. They minced the lavendar so no harvest from the flowers, but cut the flowers at soil level and left them strewn over the ground. I saw them just as I came in, but because the land is around the corner, had no idea what they had done. I phoned the Town hall explaining what had happened. Today, a person phoned me back and turned the whole situation around, stating I had no right to grow stuff on the land. Fortunately, I was able to give the exact date, year and person who gave me permission. But, my statement to them was, why cut down something of beauty anyway? They left the nettles at the end of the land! The person stated that he was the new boss now and the situation has changed. He will allow me to continue this year, but next year may be different. I explained that the reason I was given permission was that the grasscutters hated doing that piece of land. When I took it over it was chest high in nettles and grass...nobody wanted to get near it. Furthermore, my neighbours have enjoyed the place, also people walking along the ancient lane that runs adjacient to the land often stop and admire the view and talk to me. There has been a positive response from our community and no vandalisim ........until now......from offiicials!!! How bizzarre is that!!!