Ive been weeding my borders today and ive found a frog, not aware of any ponds in my neihbours gardens, but must be one somewhere, so ive put a food tray ( you know the type you get mince in) with fist size pebbles in so he can get in and out and sit on one and surrounded it with plants in pots for shelter and security, will this suffice until he finds his or her way to somewhere bigger?
No announcement yet.
Frog, have i done the right thing?
We've had a healthy population of frogs/toads for the past 20+ years. Never had a pond and neighbours have only just put one in. Don't know where they live (the frogs that is!), we find them all around the garden, but there are plenty of untidy, er I mean eco-friendly uncultivated areas, log piles etc. There are always frogs in the greenhouse too, only one this year, but he really makes me jump when he hops out from under the aubergines to get his shower when I'm watering.Life is too short for drama & petty things!
So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!
We have a pond with some resident frogs, when the lights come on of an evening, they seem to sit by the lights waiting for flying insects to be attracted.
There are loads of them all over the place that seem quite happy not being in the pond and when it rains hard, they all seem to appear and move off to different spots. Perhaps a frog version of musical chairs. Obviously seen lots moving from one spot to another.
I've even got a large bright green one living in one of my strawberry beds, gets most indignant when I'm picking strawbs, need a few more of his friends though to vcome and stay by the number of sligs I get.I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.
I have frogs in my kitchen every morningOne of my cats brings them in, she goes and finds them, brings them back over 6ft fences and lines them up at the backdoor. She then brings them in and leaves them in the kitchen and she goes off again.
She doesn't harm them in any way. We put them all out in the morning behind the shed and they seem to be no worse for it.
We now shut the kitchen door because otherwise we have the odd frog hoping out from under the furniture when you sit watching tv. (We actually stopped the cats from having access to the house during the night, when one morning I thought I was stroking the cat on the bed, only to wake up properly and it was a dead rabbit)
onlyme.....we have a friend whose parents had a huge tomcat who used to bring dead hares onto the bed( head chewed off of course
One day they woke up to find the neighbour's dead Jack Russel
( oh...and welcome to the Vine!)
In France we were about to use the painttray only to find a toad had backed into one of the corners!! Thank goodness it had clingfilm on top of the wet paint!!!!Last edited by Nicos; 22-09-2008, 12:15 PM."Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
We had an awful smell in our garage at the weekend, couldn't work out what it was. Took all the recycling to the tip incase it was the milk bottles in that, even though they were all washed out.
Didn't improve the smell so on further investigation other half found the cause, a dead frog. It had some how got itself inside a plastic green house cover, poor things must have suffocated, it nearly got it's own back by suffocating us too though
due to the amount of ivy and climbing vines my neighbour has, I am constantly fighting a rearguard action against slugs and snails, I only wish I had more frogs in my garden, sadly I am a cat lover and have five of the beggers who like nothing more than torturing any frog they find ( have you heard a frog squeal?), so any that I do rescue sadly cannot stay, and are promptly transfered cross borders to my mums cat free garden complete with lavish pond.Vive Le Revolution!!!'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09
In my tiny concrete backyard I have two frogs. I have a small pot, about 8 inches diameter that sits under my plant stand and fills with rainwater and they use that as their 'pond'. They enjoy sitting in my pots of long grass and freak my Jack Russell out at night, he's a bit scared of them, bless him. I think they breed in a big posh pond not far away.
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