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How many birds in your garden today?


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  • #61
    This is also cheating, but in my "work" garden today I have 3 Maribou storks, 4 vultures (type unidentified as yet, will post photo for clarification from you experts) and flocks of basically huge magpies. They look, sound and fly exactly the same as ones in Europe, but they are about twice the size.
    There is a fantastic little red bird, looks like a bee eater type thing, but all bee eaters I've seen before were blue.
    I will do my best to get pix and post them as I would love to know what sort of birds they all are.
    Bob Leponge
    Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


    • #62
      Are they listed here?

      Birds and birding in Sudan
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wild flower


      • #63
        SBP you're a genius. I shall go and identify all the birds I can and report back.
        Bob Leponge
        Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


        • #64
          In my tiny concrete backyard this morning

          2 bluetits
          1 dunnock
          1 blackbird
          3 sparrows
          2 ring neck doves
          1 woodpidgeon
          1 robin


          • #65
            After the link from SBP I can confirm the following:

            Marabou stork (5 today)
            Southern carmine bee eaters (loads)
            Brown snake eagle (at least a dozen)
            Mosque swallow (flocks of them)

            There are still about a dozen species I cant idenfity as yet, and I know I'm cheating cos its not really my garden but if there are any experts on this thread let me know and I will post pix. Would like to know what I'm looking at.
            Bob Leponge
            Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


            • #66
              Not fair Bob, you've got a very exotic collection there!
              The best I can come up with is that I think I've seen a female blackcap in our garden this morning which I believe is quite unusual in Northern England in winter. I watched it for about 20 mins., it was flitting about in the cherry tree, pyracantha & passionflower & seemed to be looking for insects & or berries. I turned away & then saw a cat jumping over the fence out of the garden & haven't seen the bird since so hope it's not an 'ex-blackcap'!
              Into every life a little rain must fall.


              • #67
                It's alright I've seen the blackcap again this morning so it's not been eaten.
                Into every life a little rain must fall.


                • #68
                  We had a jay yesterday, are they good or bad?



                  • #69
                    I love jays, so pretty: they eat mainly acorns, nuts, seeds and insects, but also sometimes nestlings of other birds and small mammals
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #70
                      I have 2 yew trees in the garden. Sometimes the blackbirds fly up to them and sort of hover or balance on the small branches before they pick off the berries. They'll do that many times.
                      I love watching them do that. They look really odd flying that way as it seems more suited to the smaller birds, but i guess its just something they've adapted to.


                      • #71
                        A sparrowhawk and nothing else,wonder why


                        • #72
                          Since returning from House/Cat-Sitting at The Big House again recently, I am just adoring being here at home with Trousers (and my Cat, obviously!)
                          The Greater Spotted Woodpecker is back.
                          The Nuthatch is a daily visitor now.
                          Every Blackbird in the entire Universe (I exaggerate) is feeding in our garden.
                          Both Robins, and so beautifully tame (in the absence of my cat!) I can summon to feed within minutes of our own special calling-noise....

                          I kid you not, the sheer amount of Coal, Blue, Great and Longtails now is extraordinarily beautiful to behold. Largely, I think because our garden borders onto a mature woodland, so the woods give them the protection and foraging they need, and I just add that 'Hug in a Mug' Icing On The Cake for them to top up their feed and look for the extra bugs whilst they're waiting for 'their mates' to vacate the NutFeeders!
                          I'm loving every minute of it....


                          • #73
                            We regularly see (in rough order of numbers):

                            House martins - in summer we have some nests that is used most years
                            Collared doves
                            Great tits
                            Blue tits
                            Wood pigeon

                            On occasional days, we see:


                            • #74
                              I was delighted to have seen a flock of waxwings in the big horsechestnut at the bottom of the garden a couple of times recently.

                              We also have
                              blue tits,
                              a robin,
                              a soap opera of blackbirds,
                              great tits
                              a little flock of long tail tits
                              a few goldfinches
                              and a couple of thrushes


                              • #75
                                Okay. I spent nearly �4 at the garden centre on Sunday on a tub of dried mealworms, because Robins particularly love them, and actually, I'm getting rather attached to 'my' Robin....
                                Could I call my Robin into the garden Monday morning with my 'special noise' to get him come to feed on them?
                                Could I Bu@@er! He was way too busy beating up his rival red-breasted mate and defending his territory!
                                Anyhow. Today is Tuesday, and after checking that the soaked mealworms had been eaten from the dish outside yesterday, which I wasn't there to witness, I retrieved it today to refill it this morning.

                                So, like a pratt (again) I went out into our Potager Vegetable Garden at the crack of Sparrow-Fart, in the barest of night-clothes and slippers, and clicked away for the Robin, and.....
                                this time, he did arrive, on his own. So. Whilst he sat there singing away to his hearts' content, inches from my fleeciness, he was either shouting to his mate to 'come and get it', or he downright MURDERED him yesterday, and was telling me all about how he'd murdered him, in order to have exclusive rights to said mealworms'.
                                WHO KNOWS, EH?!


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